Books at the Laka library. And how to find them....


The Laka library consists of about 8,500 books, categorized in many different subjects. On this site the library is accessible through the subject-list.
Although the categories are rather logical, it is not always easy to find exactly what you want. But here will be someone who can show you around, especially if you make an apppointment. However, now you have to try by yourselve.

All documentation at Laka is categorized in different subjects: in total more than 600 with 6 main subjects: 5 of which are ordered geographically (1-Netherlands, 2-Europe, 3-America, 4-Asia & Australia and 5-Middle East & Africa). The sixth main subject is: 'General'; that is everything what is not specifically about a location or a state. This classification is used for all documentation, not only for books. There is yet another main subject, but that is only at the books and these are novels, comics, and so on.

Most countries (but certainly not all) are divided again in sub-subjects, depending on on how much information is available. Countries are divided in general subjects (waste, public opinion, etc) and facilities.
On this website at subjects you can search more and more in detail by clicking each time on the link with the subject. At the end you automatically find a list with books that Laka has available in the library on that specific subject.
When a subject has no link, there are no books on that subject, however, there will be certainly other information (clippings, videos, magazines, and so on).
Names of states. When names of states change the same subject gets the new name. When states are splitted into new states or parts from it become new states, then this becomes a new subject, but the old one remains to exist. Therefore there are subjects such as German Democratic Republic (East Germany) or Yugoslavia or Czecho-Slovakia, while there are also the subjects Czech Republic and Slovakia.
The Asian republics of the former-Soviet Union are listed under Asia and not under Europa.
The Chernobyl-4 reactor, the one that exploded in April 1986, is listed under Russia. The consequences of Chernobyl, wherever.., are listed under Russia-Facilities and then geographical divided.
However, the other Chernobyl-reactors as well as the general policy (for example the closure and replacement discussion) are listed under Ukraine.
Well, just try....

Looking for a specific book?
If you are looking for a specific book and you know (part of) the title, or maybe the author, but have no clue where you should look for it, there is the possibility to search this site

pdfs Over the last couple of years, many of the new reports are available in pdf-format. If we have the book available as pdf, it is listed. It is impossible to make them all available online, but you can ask for it and we will sent you a copy.

New books There is a page on which newly added books are listed. This is especially interesting if you are a regular visitor.

Special books
Books in the Laka library published before 1965 (the 'early years of the nuclear age') are (also) on a special list. Generally speaking these books are not lend out.

So, let the quest begin!