/01- Brittle power. Energy strategy for a national security -A.B.Lovins/L.H.Lovins - /82
/02- International Task Force on Prevention of Nuclear Terrorisme -Nuclear Control Institute - 6/86
/03- Report Series no.106 - Terrorism: The nuclear threat -Citizens Energy Project - /81?
/04- Nuclear Proliferation and Terrorism [PDF]  -(US) Congressional Quarterly - 4/04
/05- La Hague Particularly Exposed to Plane Crash Risk  -WISE Paris  - 9/01
/06- The four faces of nuclear Terrorism [PDF] -Ferguson, Potter, CNS -  /04 NUCLEAIR TERRORISME - (GEVOLGEN) MILITAIRE AANVALLEN
/01- Atomkraft im Kriegsfall. Unsere Atomkraftwerke in  Wirkungsfeld der Strategischen Planungen -Rudolf A.Schild, BUND -  /77
/02- Destruction of Nuclear Energy Facilities in War -Bennett Ramberg -  /80
/03- Assessing the risk of terrorist attacks on nuclear facilities -POST -07/04
/04- The Unbearable Risk: Proliferation, terrorist threats and the plutonium industry [PDF] -EFA, WISE Paris, Y.Marignac, X. Coeytaux -  6/03
/05- The threat of nuclear terrorism: from analysis to precautionary measures [PDF] -M. Schneider, WISE Paris -12/01 ZELFBOUW A-BOMMEN EN (DREIGING) MET RADIOAKTIEVE BESMETTING
/01- The Homemade Nuclear Bomb Syndrome -Meyer, Loyalka, Nelson, Williams - /76
/02- Nuclear Proliferation and Terrorism: Can “rogue” states and terrorists acquire nuclear weapons? -M.H. Cooper, CQ Researcher -04/04
/03- International Terrorism: The Vulnerabilities and Protection of Nuclear Facilities  [+PDF] -J.H. Large, M. Schneider, WISE Paris, Large & Associates -12/02
/04- Commercial Radioactive Sources. Surveying the Security Risks [PDF] -Center for N-Proliferation Studies - 1/03
/05- Aum Shinrikyo, Al Qaeda and the Kinshasa reactor. Implications of three case studies for the combating of nuclear terrorism [PDF] - Air Force / RAND - /05 ZELFBOUW A-BOMMEN EN (DREIGING) MET RADIOAKTIEVE BESMETTING - AL-QA'IDA
/01- The Al-Qa’ida Network and WMD -J. Spyer, MERIA -10/04
/02- Al Qaeda’s nuclear program. Through the eyes of seized documents [PDF] -David Albright -11/02 SABOTAGE INSTALLATIES, TRANPORTEN
/01- Here today, there tomorrow. Commercial nuclear reactor sites as terrorist targets -NEIS -10/01 BESTRIJDINGSTEAMS & OEFENINGEN (incl. nucleaire politie)
         NUCLEAR EMERGENCY TEAMS & EXERCISES (incl. Nuclear Police)
/01- Onkundig of onfris - de affaire Gardiner -Amok pamflet - 5/85
/02- Responsibility for Nuclear Security -Toner/Feiveson Princeton -10/75 ATOOMSTAAT - ALGEMEEN
/01- De Atoomstaat -Robert Jungk - /78
/02- Human rights and nuclear power -Robin Grove-White - /80
/03- The nuclear connection -Agenor 94 - /85
/04- Maatschappelijke aspecten kernenergie -Damveld/Smits/e.a. - /78
/05- Nuclear prospects. A comment on the individual, the state & nuclear power -M.Flood/R.Grove-White - /76
/06- Kernenergie en mensenrechten -Ned. Juristen Comite - 6/83
/07- De Atoomstaat (speech 18-2-78) -Robert Jungk -11/79
/08- Nuclear Fascism: A French Analyses -Andre Gorz (Radical Am) - 5/79
/09- Nuclear prospects. Comment on individual, state and nuclear -M.Flood/R.Grove-White -10/76
/10- Der Atomstaat (duits origineel van 01) -Robert Jungk - /77
/11- Environmental Racism and Nuclear Development -WISE - 3/93
/12- Nuclear power and civil liberties -Cit. Energy Project/Warnock/Denman - /78
/13- The Nuclear State (engelse vertaling van /01 en /10) -Robert Jungk - /77
/14- Kernenergie en burgelijke vrijheden -Kees Verkade - /80
/15- Atomkraft und menschliche Freiheit -J.Robert Oppenheimer - 8/57 ATOOMSTAAT - BEROEPSVERBODEN & DRUK OM ONTSLAG TE NEMEN
/01- De Onwelkome Boodschap, of: Hoe de vrijheid van wetenschap bedreigd wordt -Andre J.F.Köbben/Henk Tromp - /99 PROLIFERATIE - ALGEMEEN
/01- Energy war. Breaking the nuclear link -A.Lovins/L.H.Lovins - /80
/02- Het Atoom (tekst VPRO-serie) -VPRO - /81
/03- Wie zei: "Ik wist het niet?" -Vrouwen v Vrede Nijm. - /82
/04- Nederlands plutonium & franse atoombom -Dave van Ooyen - /83
/05- Kernenergie en kernbewapening -v Ooyen/de la Court - 5/85
/06- Swords from Plowshares: The military potential of civilian nuclear energy -A.Wohlstetter - /79
/07- Kernproeven Kerncentrales -Vrouwen voor Vrede - /85
/08- Ieder land zijn eigen bom? -B.J.Th. ter Veer - 9/67
/09- Fuelling the nuclear arms Race -S.Durie/R.Edwards -12/81
/10- Kernenergie en Derde Wereld -LAKA - 6/91
/11- Proliferatie en Derde Wereld -LAKA - 6/91
/12- Nuclear nightmares -Nigel Calder - /79
/13- World inventories of civilian PU and spread of nuclear weapons -Nuclear Control Institute -
/14- Interim report of the subcommittee on out-of-area security challenges to the Alliance -North Atlantic Assembly -10/85
/15- General report on science, technology and the Alliance -North Atlantic Assembly -10/85
/16- Kernenergie en Kernwapens. Nederland en het Non-Proliferatie Beleid -V.Ginkel/Neuman/Visser - 8/77
/17- Nuclear Threats-New World Order (in 'Covert Action') -Michio Kaku - 6/92
/18- Ontwikkelings-en ontwapeningssamenw. -Mient Jan Faber -12/80
/19- Atome für den Krieg -H.Grupp/A.Schmalenströr - /83
/20- The nuclear era -C.Jacobsen - /82
/21- Missiles, reactors and civil liberties -Against the Nuclear State - /81
/22- Nucléaire de la bombe à l'atome -Objections/Superpholix - 4/82
/23- Kernwapens. Rapport van Secretaris-Generaal der Verenigde Naties -Min. Buitenlandse Zaken -10/67
/24- A European Non-Proliferation Policy -Harald Muller - /87
/25- Is Nuclear Survival Possible? -Sean MacBride - 5/77
/26- Las Armas atómica y la politica internacional -Hubert Thierry - /72
/27- The dangers of nuclear proliferation and confrontation -New Outlook - 5/82
/28- De tachtiger jaren. Een schokkende tijd -C. Wilson, J. Weldon - /81
/29- Nuclear Proliferation Factbook Sept. 1977 -US Senate - 9/77
/30- Reader on nuclear Non-Proliferation -US Senate -12/78
/31- Nuclear reactor options to reduce risk of proliferation and to succeed current LWR technology -Comptroller General US - 5/79
/32- Almelo en de non-proliferatie -instituut voor vredesvraagstukken -3/77
/33- Maatschappelijke aspekten van KE -Ver. Milieu Defensie - /
/34- The limits of safety -Scott Sagan - /93
/35- De Nucleaire erfenis -W.de Ruiter/B.vd Sijde - /85
/36- Na Star Wars een nieuwe nucleaire bewapeningsronde? -Vredescentrum TUE - 4/94
/37- The plutonium business -W.Patterson - /84
/38- International nuclear technology transfer -B.N.Schiff
/39- The disarmament Agenda of nternational Community 1994 and beyond -UN - 4/94
/40- L'ordre du jour de la communauté internationale en matière de désarmament pour l'année 1994 et au-delà. -UN - 4/94
/41- Die Politik der latenten Proliferation -Rolland Kollert - /94
/42- De Nederlandse kernbewapening -Bond voor Dienstplichtigen - /81
/43- Die neuen Atommächte -J. Streich - 7/93
/44- Preventing nuclear war -Greenpeace int. -
/45- Steps to a nuclear-free world -LAKA - 1/95
/46- Nuklearexport und Aufrüstung -B.Kubbig, H.Müller - 2/93
/47- Politiek van de vernietiging -E.P. Thompson - /81
/48- The Present Challenge. A Report on The Nuclear Dilemma -The Cox Newspapers - 4/83
/49- At Work in the field of the Bomb (fotoboek, zie ook /77) -Robert Del Tredici - 7/87
/50- Nuclear Energy and Nuclear Weapon Proliferation -SIPRI - /79
/51- International Nuclear Proliferation. Multinational diplomacy and regional aspects -Ashok Kapur - /79
/52- Overkill. The story of modern weapons -John Cox - /81
/53- Rüstungs Jahrbuch '81/82 -SIPRI -12/81
/54- Nuclear Proliferation and the Third World -T.T. Poulose - /82
/55- The Nuclear Ars Race. Can we survive it? -Ann E. Weiss - /83
/56- Strategies for anaging Nuclear Proliferation -Brito, Intriligator, Wick - /83
/57- No clear reason. Nuclear Power Politics -Radical Science - /84
/58- Nuclear Battlefields. Global links in the arms race -Arkin & Fieldhouse - /85
/59- Nuclear power Nuclear Weapons. The Deadly Connection -R. Edwards - 8/85
/60- Atom must serve only peace -Int. Peace & Diarmament Moscow - /85
/61- World Military and Social Expenditures 1985 -Ruth Leger Sivard - /85
/62- SIPRI Jaarboek 1984-1985 -SIPRI - /84
/63- Verspreiding van Massavernietigingswapens. Kernproblemen van de negentiger jaren -Bart van der Sijde -
/64- Disarmament. Responding to new realities -United Nations -10/93
/65- The 490 Forgotten Bombs. US and British Foreign Deployed Nuclear Weapons in Europe -Kristensen, Greenpeace Int. - 4/95
/66- The New Nuclear Nations -Leonard S. Spector -11/85
/67- Atlas van Oorlog en Vrede -Michael Kidron & Dan Smith - /83
/68- Tracking Nuclear Proliferation. Guide in Maps Charts 1995 -Spector, McDonough, Medeiros - /95
/69- Nuclear Disarmament and Non-Proliferation in Northeast Asia -UN Inst. for Disarmament Research - 3/95
/70- Nuclear Policies in Northeast Asia -UN Inst. for Disarmament Research - 4/95
/71- Nucleaire wapens 1: De drempellanden -J. Peleman - /95
/72- Die militärische Zusammenarbeit Bundesrepublik - Süd-afrika in atomaren und konventionellen Bereich -Geisler - /78
/73- Nuclear Proliferation Factbook Aug. 1985 -US Senate - 8/96
/74- International Nuclear Trade and Proliferation. The Challenge of the Emerging Suppliers -William C.Potter - /90
/75- Documentos. En la OTAN hay "gato encerrado" -Fons Documentacio del Medi Ambient -11/85
/76- Atomic Science, Bombs and Power -David Dietz - /62
/77- At work at the fields of the bomb (zie ook /49) -Photo Communique special issue - /84
/78- International cooperation in Nuclear Energy -Brookings, Joseph A. Yager - /81
/79- The gift of time. The case of abolishing nuclear weapons now -Jonathan Schell - /98
/80- Rechtmatigheid van kernwapens -Int. Gerechtshof - 7/96
/81- Testing the limits - the India-Pakistan nuclear gambit -TNI/IPS - 8/98
/82- In search of the fourth freedom -H.Brembeck - /98
/83- Making the philosophy of nonmilitary peace an international norm An appeal from Japan's lawyers for HAP'99 -Japan Lawyers nat. promoting comm. - 5/99
/84- Nuclearization. Basic Information -Pakistan Peace Alliance - /99
/85- Security and Survival. The case for a nuclear Weapons Convention -IALANA/INESAP/IPPNW - /99
/86- The Road to the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons -Asahi Shimbun - 4/99
/87- Kernwapens op retour? Feiten en nieuwe kansen -Landelijk Kernwapen Overleg - 3/00
/88- Effective Export Control -Erickson, LLNL -11/00
/89- The Nuclear Connection -Agenor (94) -12/85
/90- From Hiroshima to Harrisburg. The Unholy Alliance -Jim Garrison - /80
/91- The Islamic Bomb. The Nuclear Threat to Israel and Middle East -St. Weisman/ H. Krosney -  /81
/92- War and peace in the nuclear age -J. Newhouse - 5/90
/93- Nuclear energy and nuclear weapons -E. Boeker -11/78
/94- The domesday dictionary -D.M. Kaplan, A. Schwerner - /63
/95- Brabant tegen kernwapens -W.Kersten, J.Derks, R.van Eijk - 9/81
/96- Nuclear power and weapons proliferation. Adelphi paper 130 -T. Greenwood e.a. -  /77
/97- The Second Nuclear Age. Reducing Risks for the People of South Asia -Achim Vanaik, TNI -  1/04
/98- Die Lüge von der friedlichen Nutzung der Atomenergie: Atomwaffen und Atomkraftwerke: zwei Seiten einer Medaille: Folgesymposium: Freitag 1 Okt.-Samstag 2 Okt. -F. Barnaby, X. Hall, Wise, e.a. -10/04
/99- Proliferation: Threat and Response [PDF] -US. Dep. Of Defense - 1/01
/100- After 9/11: Preventing Mass Destruction Terrorism and Weapons Proliferation [PDF] -Center for N-Proliferation Studies - 5/02
/101- Die Verbinding zwischen der zivilen und militärischen Nutzung der Atomenergie [PDF] -Wolfgang Liebert, IANUS -  4/06
/102- The Permanent Nth country experiment. Nuclear weapons proliferation in a rapidly changing world [PDF] -Mycle Schneider / Eur. Greens - 3/07
/103- Obama's 2010 Nuclear Security Summit and the Inernational Non-proliferation regime [PDF] -Edoardo Sorvillo/ISPI -10/09
/104- Nuclear proliferation: A civilian and military dilemma: Series on ecology -HBF-EU/O. Nassauer/Sokolsky 09/10
/105- Unleashing the nuclear watchdog: Strengthening and reform of the IAEA [PDF] CIGI/T. Findlay - /12 PROLIFERATIE - VERRIJKING/OPWERKING/KWEEKREAKTOREN
/01- De duistere ring tussen kernwapens en kernenergie - -
/02- Nederland en de Bom; French Connection -v Ooyen/de la Court - /83
/03- Uraniumverrijking en verspreiding van kernwapens -Boelie Elsen -11/83
/04- Plutonium recycle and the problem of nuclear proliferation -Albright/Feiveson - 4/86
/05- Laserfusie- verwevenheid van civiel en militair onderzoek -W.A.Smit - 1/78
/06- Der Bruter als Fabrik fur Atombomben-Plutonium? -Kollert/Grupp/Lenoir -
/07- Assurances of long-term supply of technology, fuel, heavy water and services in interest of national needs  consistent with non-proliferation -INFCE/IAEA - /80
/08- Uranium enrichment and Nuclear Weapon Proliferation -Krass/Boskma/Elzen/Smit SIPRI - /83
/09- Halting Production of Fissile Materials for Nuclear Weapons -UN Inst. for Disarmament Research -12/94
/10- Plutonium-Pfade und Bombenbau -Greenpeace - 6/88
/11- International Cooperation in nuclear fuel services... -Horst Mendershausen -12/78
/12- Fast breeder reactors and the spread of plutonium -V. Gillinsky - 3/67 PROLIFERATIE - NON PROLIFERATIE VERDRAG - ALGEMEEN
/01- NPV: Verdrag tegen verspreiding van kernwapens? -AMOK-Noord - 9/90
/02- Non-Proliferatie Verdrag -Min. Bin. Zaken - /85
/03- A short history of Non-proliferation -IAEA - 2/76
/04- Traite sur la non-proliferation des armes nucleaires -United Nations - /85
/05- The NPT. The main political barrier to nuclear weapon proliferation -SIPRI - /80
/06- Nuclear Nonproliferation -Gary T. Gardner - /94
/07- The Non-Proliferation Treaty. A critical assessment -Greenpeace - 1/94
/08- Information pack - against proliferation, for nuclear disarmament -Int.Coal.for Nucl.non-prol... - 5/94
/09- Reluctant compromise on the nuclear arms chase -C. Hines, D. Lowry - 4/86
/10- The Non Proliferation Treaty -United Nations Fact Sheet 41 - /85
/11- End the nuclear age -Greenpeace - /95
/12- Kernwapenverspreiding onder controle? Geschiedenis en betekenis van het NPV -Joop Boer TNI/WISE - 4/95
/13- Strengthening NPT and the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Regime -United Nations - /93
/14- Nuclear proliferation problems -SIPRI -  /74
/15- The control of proliferation: three views -S.Zuckermann, A.Myrdal, L.B.Pearson -10/66
/16- The control of proliferation: the 1968 treaty in hindsight and forecast -E. Young - 4/69
/17- The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons: a study based on the five principles of UN General Assembly Resolution 2028 (XX). Thesis Geneva -M.I. Shaker -  /76
/18- SCRRAP: A Blueprint for Implementing Article VI of the Non-Proliferation Treaty -Dan Plesch -10/05
/19- Dealing with the Hydra? : Proliferation and Full Spectrum Dominance -Ken Coates, BRPF -10/03
/20- A world free of nuclear weapons -IKV Pax Christi -01/09 PROLIFERATIE - NPV - (NIEUWE-) LEDEN
/01- Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland und der Atomwaffen-nichtweiterverbreitungs vertrag -Gruppe Ökologie - 6/85
/02- Germany Plutonium & Proliferation. The Unstated Threat -M. Küntzel - 1/95
/03- Non Proliferation. The Why and the Wherefore -J. Goldblatt SIPRI - /85
/04- Kernenergie en kernwapens. Nederland en het non-proliferatiebeleid -Van Ginkel, Neuman, Visser - 8/77 PROLIFERATIE - NPV - HERZIENINGSCONFERENTIES
/01- Campaigns on the NPV-review -WISE/Disarmament Cam. - 5/85
/02- Het NPV en Derde Toetsingsconferentie -Dave van Ooyen - 6/85
/03- NPT conferentie 1985 (officiele verslagen -IAEA/UN - /85
/04- Nuclear War, Nuclear Proliferation and their Consequences -Colloquim Gr. de Bellerive - 6/85
/05- Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. Review Conference of the State Parties, Geneva 1985 -Disarmament UN Fact Sheet 33 - 2/84
/06- Verbreitung von Kernwaffen. Der NPT-Vertrag 1995 -Guthrie, Liebert - /95
/07- Extending the Non-Proliferation Treaty: The Endgame. Report on the Fourth Prepcom. New York January 1995 -Acronym - 2/95
/08- A failure to disarm. Issues for review by Main Commitee I -Greenpeace - 4/95
/09- Statement to the Review and Extension Conference of the Parties to the NPT, New York, 17 April 1995 -Hans Blix, IAEA - 4/95
/10- Beyond the NPT: A nuclear-weapon-free world. Summary -INESAP - 4/95
/11- Beyond the NPT: A nuclear-weapon-free world. Full document -INESAP - 4/95
/12- Indefinite Extension of the NPT: Risks and Reckonings -Acronym - 9/95
/13- De Bom Voorbij? Verlenging van het NPV en de toekomst van de kernbewapening -TNI/WISE KU Nijmegen -11/95
/14- NPT Extension conference: Validity & Efficacy of  Nuclear-Weapon-States' Initiatives -Vijai K. Nair /FSS - 9/94
/15- Beyond the bomb? (engelse vertaling /13) -TNI/WISE - 7/96
/16- Reviewing the Non-Proliferation Treaty: Problems and Processes -Acronym - 9/98
/17- Non-Proliferation Treaty: Challenging Times -Rebecca Johnson / Acronym - 2/00
/18- Reaching critical will. Organizers Packet, Review conference -WILPF - 5/00
/19- -Atlanta Consultation II on future of the NPT: Nuclear Disarmament & Non-Proliferation: a Balanced Approach[PDF] -Carter Center - 1/05
/20- Een kernwapenvrije wereld. Nieuwe kansen voor nucleaire ontwapening -IKV Pax Christi - 2/09
/21- 2010 Review Conference of the nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty: Analisis of the outcome [PDF] -IKV Pax Christi -06/10 PROLIFERATIE - NPV - CONTROLE/SAFEGUARDS
/01- Safeguarding the Bomb -Jos Callacher - /85
/02- The Role of the UN in the field of Verification -United Nations - 1/91
/03- Safeguards in Europe -IAEA - 4/86
/04- Safeguards implementation report 1986 -IAEA - 5/87
/05- Draft: Opening Pandora's box? Nuclear powered submarines and the spread of nuclear weapons -MF.Desjardins/T.Rauf - 2/88
/06- (dokumentatie over IAEA, safeguards...) -GRAEL - 6/88
/07- Special Safeguards Implementation Report -IAEA (+ reactie VMD) - 6/77
/08- Nuclear weapons Proliferation & IAEA -US Senate - 3/76
/09- Safeguards as confidence building measures in nuclear field -IAEA - 5/84
/10- The Structure and content of agreements between the Agency and States required in connection with the NPT -IAEA INFCIRC/153 (corrected) - 2/83
/11- IAEA Safeguards: Glossary -IAEA/SG/INF/1 - /80
/12- IAEA Safeguards: Guidelines for States' systems of accounting for and control of nuclear materials -IAEA/SG/INF/2 - /80
/13- IAEA Safeguards: An Introduction -IAEA/SG/INF/3 - /81
/14- IAEA Safeguards: Aims, Limitations, Achievements -IAEA/SG/INF/4 - /83
/15- International Safeguards and Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons -IAEA - 4/85
/16- Against the Spread of Nuclear Weapons: IAEA safeguards'90s -IAEA -12/93
/17- International Nuclear Safeguards -IAEA - 3/76
/18- Non-Proliferation and International Safeguards -IAEA - 5/78
/19- IAEA Safeguards: Implementation at nuclear fuel cycle facilities -IAEA/SG/INF/6 - /85
/20- Can international safeguards stop nuclear proliferation? -IAEA, Hans Blix - 5/83
/21- Safeguards as confidence building measures in nuclear field -IAEA, Hans Blix - 5/84
/22- The IAEA and efforts to counteract the proliferation of  nuclear weapons -IAEA, Hans Blix - 3/85
/23- In search of peace. The NPT and the work of the IAEA -IAEA, Hans Blix - 7/85
/24- Nuclear proliferation. Motivations, capabilities and strategies for control -Greenwood, Feiveson and Taylor - /77
/25- Global nuclear energy risks. Search for preventive medicine -Bennett Ramberg - /86
/26- Het waarborgen van een opwerkingsfabriek -D. vd Meijden -10/78
/27- Beyond Safeguards. A Program for More Comprehensive Control of Weapon-Usable Fissile Material -Gronlund / Wright - 5/94
/28- Safeguarding the Atom. A Critical Appraisal -David Fischer & Paul Szasz /SIPRI - /85
/29- Nuclear Exports; The Challenge of Control -L.S. Spector - 4/90
/30- Joint Programme on the Technical Development and Further Improvement of IAEA Safeguards -Bund.Min. Forsch. und Tech./IAEA - 1/95
/31- The IAEA Safeguards System. Ready for the 21st Century -IAEA - 9/97
/32- Safeguards: the safeguards implementation report for 1987 -IAEA - 5/88
/33- Safeguards: the safeguards implementation report for 1986 -IAEA - 5/87
/34- Nuclear Power and It's Fuel Cycle; 7: Public Opinion and Safeguards -IAEA Proceedings Conference Salzburg -12/77
/35- Safeguards techniques and equipment -IAEA -   /84
/36- The watched and the unwatched: inspection in the Non-Proliferation Treaty -A. Kramish - 7/67
/37- Nuclear safeguards. Adelphi paper 86 -R. Imai - 3/72
/38- Bibliography of non-destructive assay methods for nuclear material safeguards. WASH-1170 -R.R.Edwards e.a. (USAEC) - 2/72
/39- Glossary of terms used in nuclear safeguards -W.L. Zijp (RCN) - 1/74
/40- Fundamental notes on nuclear material book accounting -Hari Singh -  /74
/41- The U.S. voluntary safeguards offer – its significance and impact -M.B. Kratzer -10/77
/42- Nuclear safeguards, the peaceful atom, and the IAEA. Int. Conciliation 572 -L. Scheinman - 3/69
/43- Safeguarding uranium enrichment facilities. AG-110 -IAEA - 9/77
/44- The safeguards implementation report for 1977 -IAEA - 6/78
/45- Report forms and explanations for their use -IAEA - 4/77
/46- The physical protection of nuclear material. INFCIRC/225 (corrected) -IAEA - 2/76
/47- Safeguards technical development (Progress report 1967) -IAEA - 5/67
/48- Report to the director-general of the International Atomic Energy Agency by the Consultants on criteria for safeguards procedures  -IAEA -  /69
/49- Technical options for plutonium safeguards -Atomic Industrial Forum -  /
/50- The Agency’s safeguards system (1965, as provisionally extended in 1966). INFCIRC/66/Rev.1 -IAEA - 9/67
/51- The Agency’s safeguards system (1965, as provisionally extended in 1966 and 1968). INFCIRC/66/Rev.2 -IAEA - 9/68
/52- Safeguards Agreement under NPT between ... and the IAEA. M-01 (Triga Research Reactor) -IAEA - 9/76
/53- Safeguards Agreement under NPT between [   ] and the IAEA. LWR with spent fuel stored less than one year, without pin exchange. M-02 (A) -IAEA - 8/76
/54- Safeguards Agreement under NPT between [   ] and the IAEA. LWR with spent fuel stored less than one year, with pin exchange. M-02 (B) -IAEA - 8/76
/55- Safeguards Agreement under NPT between [   ] and the IAEA. LWR with spent fuel stored for a year or longer, without pin exchange. M-02 (C) -IAEA - 8/76
/56- Safeguards Agreement under NPT between [   ] and the IAEA. LWR with spent fuel stored for a year or longer, with pin exchange. M-02 (D) -IAEA - 8/76
/57- Safeguards Agreement under NPT between [   ] and the IAEA. M-03 (Fuel Fabrication Plant with one process MBA only) -IAEA  -10/76
/58- Safeguards Agreement under NPT between [   ] and the IAEA. M-04 (Research Facility Handling Bulk Material of less than 5 ekg Throughput) -IAEA  -10/76
/59- NPT Agreement between [   ] and the IAEA. M-05 (Candu reactors – multiple units) -IAEA  -11/76
/60- Safeguards Agreement under NPT between [   ] and the IAEA. M-06 (Research reactor IRT/VVR-S) -IAEA  - 9/76
/61- Safeguards Agreement under NPT between [   ] and the IAEA. M-07 (Miscellaneous locations) -IAEA  - 9/76
/62- Safeguards Agreement under NPT between [   ] and the IAEA. M-08 (Subcritical assembly) -IAEA  - 9/76
/63- Safeguards Agreement under NPT between [   ] and the IAEA. M-09 (Fuel fabrication plant with three parallel process areas) -IAEA  -10/76
/64- Safeguards Agreement under NPT between [   ] and the IAEA. M-10 (Conversion Plant with Three Parallel Process Areas) -IAEA  - 9/76
/65- Analysis of some available data on Material Unaccounted For (MUF). KFK 1106 -H. Singh - 4/71
/66- Subsidiary arrangements to the agreement between the government of […] and the International Atomic Energy Agency for the application of safeguards in connection with the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. Secretariat draft. Fifth revision -IAEA -  /74
/67- Falling behind: international scrutiny of the peaceful atom [PDF] -Henry D.Sokolski - 2/08 PROLIFERATIE - ANDERE NP VERDRAGEN
/01- Towards a Nuclear-Weapon-Free-Zone in the Middle East -United Nations - 6/91
/02- Towards a Nuclear test Ban -United Nations - 4/91
/03- Treaty for Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America -United Nations - 9/89
/04- Unilateral Disarmament Measures. Summary of a study -Disarmament UN Fact Sheet 40 - 6/85
/05- Perspectives on Proliferation Vol. I -Prol. Reform Project Cambridge - 8/85
/06- UN Regional Disarmament Workshop for Asia and the Pacific -United Nations - /91
/07- Une approche coopérative de la non-prolifération nucléaire: l'exemple de l'Argentine et du Brésil -UN Inst. for Disarmament Research -11/94
/08- Global fissile material: A path to nuclear disarmament: Fouth annual report of the International Panel on fissile materials [PDF] -IPFM/Princeton University -10/09 PROLIFERATIE - CTBT/SIMULATIE/VERIFIKATIE
/01- Towards a Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty -European Test Ban Coalition - 3/93
/02- Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty: Now Or Never -Acronym no. 8 -10/95
/03- Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty: The Endgame -Acronym no. 9 - 4/96
/04- The CTBT and Beyond -UN Inst. for Disarmament Research -11/94
/05- Verification of a Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty from Space: A Preliminary Study -UN Inst. for Disarmament Research -12/94
/06- Testing Times. The Global Stake in a Nuclear Test ban -P. Bidwai / A. Vanaik - /96
/07- Verification. How Much Is Enough? -Allan S.Krass /SIPRI - /85
/08- A Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty: Signed but not Sealed. A review of the CTBT Negotations January-September 1996 -Disarmament Intelligence Review - 5/97 PROLIFERATIE - FISSILE MATERIAL CUT-OFF TREATY
/01- Global Fissile Material Report 2008. Scope and verification of a Fissile Material (Cutoff) Treaty [PDF] -IPFM - /08
/02- A Fissile Material (Cut-Off) Treaty. A treaty banning the production of Fissile Materials for Nuclear Weapons or other Nuclear Explosive Devices. Draft for Discussion [PDF] -Int. Panel on Fissile Materials - 3/09 PROLIFERATIE - GNEP / GNPI /FUEL BANK
/01- Assessing the benefits, costs and risks of near-term reprocessing and alternatives [PDF] -Matthew Bunn - 9/06
/02- Multilateral Approaches to the Nuclear Fuel Cycle -Expert Group IAEA - /05
/03- The GNEP; will it advance nonproliferation or undermine it? [PDF] -Edwin S. Lyman - 6/06
/04- Radioactive wastes and the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership [+PDF] -Robert Alvarez, IPS - 4/07
/05- Risky Appropriations. Gambling US Energy Policy on the GNEP [PDF] -D.Schlissel, Alvarez - 1/08
/06- Planning proliferation: The global expansion of nuclear power and multinational approaches [+PDF] -Frank Barnaby/Shaun Burnie/Greenpeace Int. -05/10
/07- Managing the nuclear fuel cycle: policy implications of expanding global access to nuclear power [+PDF] -CRS/M.Nikitin/A.Andrews/M.Holt -07/09
/08- Planning Proliferation: The global expansion of nuclear power and multinational approaches[PDF] -V. Barnaby/S Burnie/ Greenpeace International -05/10 NUCLEAR SUPPLIERS GROUP & INFCEP
/01- The future of the Nuclear Suppliers Group[PDF] -M. Hibbs/Cornegie Endowment for International Peace - /11 PROLIFERATIE - DIEFSTAL / VERMISSING MAteriaal & TECHNOLOGIE
/01- Securing the Bomb 2008 [PDF] -Matthew Bunn, NTI -11/08 PROLIFERATIE - ILLEGALE HANDEL - BEDRIJVEN/LANDEN
/01- Atoomspionage -Fr.Veerman/J.Ros -10/88
/02- The Plumbat Affair -Davenport/Eddy/Gilman - /78
/03- Exporteure des Todes. Deutscher Rüstungsskandal in Nahost -H.Leyendecker R.Rickelmann - 2/91
/04- The Network. Organised crime in international Waste trade. The case of "Oceanic Disposal Management Inc." -Greenpeace - 9/97
/05- Jaarverslag 1996 Binnenlandse Veiligheids Dienst -BVD, Min. Binnenlandse Zaken - 6/97
/06- Greenpeace reveals mafia linked company's plan to illegally dump toxic and radioactive waste on Eastern European and African Countries (Oceanic Disposal Managment ODM) -Greenpeace - 9/97
/01- Binnenlandse Veiligheids Dienst Jaarverslag 1995 -BVD / Min. Binnenlandse Zaken - 4/96
/02- Onderzoek van drie bronhouders -ECN - 8/96
/03- Binnenlandse Veiligheids Dienst Jaarverslag 1997 -BVD / Min. Binnenlandse Zaken - 4/98
/04- The Public's Role in Preventing Nuclear Smuggling -Erickson, LLNL -11/00
/05- Terrorisme aan het begin van de 20e eeuw; dreigingsbeeld en positionering BVD -BVD / Min. Binnenlandse Zaken - 4/01
/06- Jaarverslag Binnenlandse Veiligheidsdienst 2000 -BVD / Min. Binnenlandse Zaken - 5/01 SAMENWERKINGSVERBANDEN - IAEA
/01- The IAEA; 35 years Promotion of Nuclear Energy -Anti-Atom-International - /93
/02- The IAEA. A critical documentation of the agency's policy -Anti-Atom-International - /93
/03- IAEA activities in radioactive waste management -IAEA - /81
/04- INIS Today (International Nuclear Information System) -IAEA -12/81
/05- Hoe beoordelen we de ernst van een nuclear ongeval? -IAEA/Min.Tewerkstelling - 6/90
/06- De Internationale nucleaire gebeurtenissen schaal -IAEA - 6/90
/07- IAEA Highlights of activities -IAEA - 9/91
/08- The agency's technical co-operation activities in 1990 -IAEA - 8/91
/09- The annual report for 1990 -IAEA - 7/91
/10- Nucleaire veiligheidsregels. Bewerking IAEA code Safety Series 50-C-QA -IAEA - /89
/11- The IAEA file (Greenbase netwerk/APS) -Greenpeace Int. - 9/92
/12- Whose power to choose? -Brian Johnson - /77
/13- Facts about the IAEA -IAEA -11/92
/14- International co-operation in the utilization of nuclear energy and the role of the IAEA -IAEA - 4/85
/15- The Agency's safety standards and measures -IAEA - 4/76
/16- The International Centre for Theoretical Physics at Miramare -ICTP/IAEA -10/89
/17- Facts about the IAEA -IAEA -10/88
/18- Highlights of activities -IAEA - 9/90
/19- Technology transfer for development -IAEA - 7/90
/20- The annual report for 1988 -IAEA - 7/89
/21- Regional Co-operative Agreement for Asia and the Pacific -IAEA - 9/89
/22- Statement to 33rd Session of General Conference of the IAEA 25.9.89 -Hans Blix/IAEA -11/89
/23- Regional co-operative arrangements for the promotion of nuclear science and technology in Latin America. Phase I -IAEA/ARCAL - 9/90
/24- The annual report for 1989 -IAEA - 7/90
/25- The law and practices of the IAEA -P.Szasz - /70
/26- The law and practices of the IAEA 1970 - 1980 -R.Rainer, P,Szasz - /93
/27- Statute -IAEA - 6/80
/28- Highlights of activities 1994 -IAEA - 9/94
/29- The Annual Report 1978 -IAEA - 8/79
/30- The Annual Report 1979 -IAEA - 7/80
/31- ICTP 1964 - 1984 -IAEA/ICTP -10/84
/32- The Annual Report 1984 -IAEA - 7/85
/33- International co-operation in the utilization of nuclear energy and the role of the IAEA -IAEA, Hans Blix - 4/85
/34- Technical co-operationn for progress -IAEA - 6/85
/35- Background paper on the activitees of the IAEA relevant to Article III of the NPT -IAEA - 6/85
/36- Background paper on the activitees of the IAEA relevant to Article IV of the NPT -IAEA - 6/85
/37- Background paper on the activitees of the IAEA relevant to Article V of the NPT -IAEA - 6/85
/38- The non-proliferation role of IAEA. A critical assessment -L. Scheinman - /85
/39- MexuyHapouHoe areHtctbo no atomHon 3Heprnn (zie 02) -Eco-Vostok - /93
/40- IAEA Technical Co-operation Activities in the 1990s -IAEA - 1/95
/41- INIS Periodic Report 1994 -IAEA/INIS - 5/95
/42- Highlights of Activities 1995 -IAEA -10/95
/43- The IAEA and the NPT: policing the third world -Campaign against militarism - 2/95
/44- The Annual Report, Highlights 1996 -IAEA - 9/96
/45- Statement to the 40th session of the General Conference of the IAEA & Statement to the 51st session of the UN General Assembly -IAEA (Hans Blix) -11/96
/46- Highlights of activities -IAEA - 9/92
/47- The annual report for 1987 -IAEA - 7/88
/48- The annual report for 1992 -IAEA - 7/93
/49- The annual report for 1993 -IAEA - 7/94
/50- The annual report for 1994 -IAEA - 7/95
/51- The annual report for 1991 -IAEA - 7/92
/52- 40 Years of Nuclear Disaster. 40 years of IAEA -Greenpeace -11/97
/53- The annual report for 1997 (+lijst safeguard installaties!) -IAEA - /98
/54- The annual report for 1997 (zonder annexes, zie /53) -IAEA - /98
/55- The annual report for 1998 -IAEA - 7/99
/56- The annual report for 1999 (+lijst safeguard installaties!) -IAEA - /00
/57- Nuclear energy and the Environment (report to UN) -IAEA - /70
/58- Nuclear energy and the Environment -IAEA - /72
/59- Atoms for peace, health and prosperity -IAEA -ca.66
/60- Annual report 2000  -IAEA - 7/01
/61- Die Internationale Atomenergieorganisation (IAEO): Entwicklung, Aufgaben und Bewertung. Diss. Göttingen -Madhu Joshi -  /64
/62- Annual report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference. 1 July 1969 – 30 June 1970 -IAEA - 7/70
/63- Annual report. 1 July 1970 – 30 June 1971 -IAEA - 7/71
/64- Annual report. 1 July 1971 – 30 June 1972 -IAEA - 7/72
/65- Annual report. 1 July 1972 – 30 June 1973 -IAEA - 7/73
/66- The annual report for 1975 -IAEA - 7/76
/67- IAEA Annual Report 2002 -IAEA -07/03
/68- IAEA Annual Report 2003 -IAEA -  /04
/69- The Real Face of the IAEA’s Multilateral Nuclear Approaches: The proliferation of nuclear weapon material & enviromental contamination [+PDF] -Greenpeace -09/05
/70- Annual Report for 2004 -IAEA -   /05
/71- The First Forty Years, History of the IAEA [PDF] -David Fisher, IAEA -  /97
/72- 25 Years International Atomic Energy Agency 1957 - 1982 -IAEA -  9/82
/73- International Sustainable Energy Agency: Proposed model statute -GRACE/ IPPNW/ PSR -04/02 Unleashing the nuclear watchdog: Strengthening and reform of the IAEA [PDF] -CIGI/T. Findlay - /12 SAMENWERKINGSVERBANDEN - EURATOM
/01- Verdrag tot oprichting van de Europese Gemeenschap voor Atoomenergie -Euratom - 3/57
/02- Euratom Supply Agency - Annual Report '83 -Euratom - /84
/03- Euratom Supply Agency - Annual Report '80 -Euratom - /81
/04- Euratom Supply Agency - Annual Report '81 -Euratom - /82
/05- Euratom Supply Agency - Annual Report '82 -Euratom - /83
/06- Jaarverslag 1989. Gemeenschappelijk Centrum Onderzoek -Com.Europese Gemeensch. - 3/90
/07- Euratom Supply Agency - Annual Report '79 -Euratom - /80
/08- Euratom Supply Agency - Annual Report '78 -Euratom - /79
/09- Algemene bepalingen en voorwaarden die van toepassing zijn op de leveringsovereenkomsten -Euratom - /
/10- Treaties establishing the European Communities -EC - /78
/11- Options for the Austrian Position of the Revision of the Euratom treaty for the EU-Intergovernmental Conference -Global 2000, Min. of Environment -11/95
/12- AGREEMENT for cooperation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy between the European Atomic Energy Community and the United States of America -Euratom/VS - 5/96
/13- Euratom Supply Agency - Annual Report '85 -Euratom - /86
/14- Report on the Position of Nuclear Industries in the Community -Euratom - 6/58
/15- De Kernindustrie in de gemeenschap -PINC Euratom - 2/90
/16- Mededeling van de commissie over de kernindustrie in de Europese Unie (PINC), zoals in Artikel 40 Euratom Verdrag -Europese Gemeenschappen - 9/96
/17- Communication from the Commission on the nuclear industries in the European Union (engelse vertaling 16) -European Communities - 9/96
/18- Verslag over het voorstel voor een mededeling over de kernindustrie in de Europese Unie zoals in Artikel 40 Euratom Verdrag -Europees Parlement - 4/97
/19- Report on the communication from the Commission on the nuclear industries in the European Union (engelse vertaling 18) -European Parliament - 4/97
/20- Besluit van de Raad Betreffende het vijfde kaderprogramma van de Europese Gemeenschap voor Atoomenergie (Euratom) voor activiteiten op het gebied van onderzoek en onderwijs (1998-2002) -Europese Gemeenschappen - 4/97
/21- Council Decision concerning the 5th framework programme of the European Atomic energy Community (Euratom) for research and training activities (1998-2002) (vertaling 20) -European Communities - 4/97
/22- Second modified proposal for a Council Decision concerning 5th framework programme of the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom) for research and training activities (1998-2002) -European Communities - 4/97
/23- Atomstaat zweiter Anlauf? Zivile und militärische Integration Österreich in die Europäische Atomgemeinschaft -AAI -
/24- Verslag over werkzaamheden van veiligheidscontrole Euratom 1988 -Commissie Europese Gemeenschappen - 3/90
/25- L'Énergie Nucléaire en Europe. Des Origin à Euratom -Dumoulin/Guillen/Vaisse -11/91
/26- Report on the Operation of Euratom Safeguards 1989-1990 -Commission of European Communities - 1/92
/27- Report on the Operation of Euratom Safeguards 1991-1992 -Commission of European Communities - 7/94
/28- Revision of the European Treaties in the Energie Sector -Öko Institut Gebers/Fritsche/Sailor - 2/95
/29- Euratom Supply Agency - Annual Report 1995 -Euratom Supply Agency - /96
/30- Euratom Supply Agency - Annual Report 1996 -Euratom Supply Agency - /97
/31- Greening Euratom. From Promotion to Control; An essential first step in reforming the Treaty Establishing the European Atomic Energy Community -Greenpeace - 5/97
/32- Euratom Supply Agency - Annual Report 1997 -Euratom Supply Agency - /98
/33- The Nuclear Industries in the European Union. An illustrative nuclear programme according to Article 40 of Euratom Treaty) -Europese Commissie - 9/96
/34- Rapport inzake de toestand vna de industrie op het gebied van de kernenergie in de gemeenschap (zie ook /14) -Euratom - 6/58
/35- Euratom. Den skjulte Atommagt -OOA Copenhagen - 8/98
/36- The Separation of Europ e. France and the Foundation of Euratom -UvA /Beumer, Rodenburg, e.a. - /81
/37- Overeenkomst tot samenwerking bij het vreedzaam gebruik van kernenergie tussen de Europese Gemeenschap voor Atoomenergie en de Verenigde Staten van Amerika - Protocol - Verklaring betreffende het non-proliferatiebeleid (zie /12) -Euratom/VS - 3/96
/38- Euratom Supply Agency - Annual Report 1987 -Euratom Supply Agency - /88
/39- Comments on the Draft Commission Document on the Nuclear Industries in the European Union (zie 33) - 1/97
/40- Dokumentatie bij het zevende algemeen verslag over de werkzamheden van de gemeenschap -Euratom - 3/64
/41- The European Parliament and  the Euratom Treaty: past, present and future. Working paper -EP, Directorate-General for Research - 2/02
/42- EURATOM conference “After 45 years of nuclear promotion: time for change.” Conference proceedings -  - 9/02
/43- The current status of the US-Euratom Nuclear Cooperation Agreement -Uranium Institute -11/94
/44- How current are Euratom provisions on nuclear supply and ownership in view of the EU’s enlargement  –Andre Bouquet (Euratom)  -  /03
/45- Operations of Euratom Safeguards in 2002  –Report Euro Parliam. and Council –12/03
/46- Report on the proposal (…) to issue Euratom loans for the purpose of contributing to the financing of nuclear power stations  –Hiltrud Breyer  Euro.Parliament  -12/03
/47- Annual Report 2002  -Euratom Supply Agency -    /03
/48- The European Parliament and the Euratom Treaty; Past, Present and Future [PDF]  -European Parliament -12/01
/49- Euratom Loans. Supporting Safety Improvement in Eastern Europe [PDF] -WISE Amsterdam - 6/03
/50- Atom hintergrundpapier: Die Neue EU-Verfassung – Eine Pro-Atom Verfassung? -FOE Europe, Global 2000 -04/00
/51- The Euratom Treaty and Future Energy Options Conference Report [+PDF] -NOAH - 9/05
/52- Nuclear Illustrative Programme Art. 40 Euratom Treaty -Commission EC - 1/07
/53- Euratom Supply Agency: Annual report 2006B [PDF] -Euratom Supply Agency - 6/07
/54- Euratom Supply Agency: Annual report 2007 [PDF] -Euratom Supply Agency - /08
/55- Die Kündigung des Vertrages zur Gründung der Europäischen Atomgemeinschaft (EURATOM) -Bündnis 90/Die Grünen -03/07
/56- EURATOM conference "After 45 years of nuclear promotion: time for change" Conference proceedings[PDF] -European Parliament -09/02
/57- EURATOM Supply Agency Annual Report 2008[PDF] - EURATOM Supply Agency - /09 SAMENWERKINGSVERBANDEN - ICRP
/01- The International Commission on Radiological Protection -ICRP -
/02- International Commission on Radiological Protection: history, policies, procedures -B.Lindell, H.J.Dunster, J.Valentin -  /
/03- A Primer in the Art of Deception: The Most Heinous Crime in History: The Betrayal of Mankind by the Radiation Protection Agencies[PDF]   -P. Zimmerman   - /10 SAMENWERKINGSVERBANDEN - IEA/NEA/OECD/etc.
/01- NEA International cooperation for safe nuclear power -NEA -
/02- NEA at a glance -NEA -
/03- NEA Statute -NEA - /78
/04- International Co-operation for Safe Nuclear Power -NEA - /86
/05- OECD/Nuclear Energy Agency -NEA - /
/06- NEA activities in 1989 -NEA - /90
/07- NEA activities in 1988 -NEA - /89
/08- NEA activities in 1985 -NEA - /86
/09- Catalogue of Publications 1998 -AEN/NEA - /98
/10- Annual Report 1998 -NEA - /99
/11- Building, Measuring and Improving Public Confidence in the Nuclear Regulator -NEA/OECD (proceedings 5-04) -  /06 SAMENWERKINGSVERBANDEN - EUROPEISERING/LIBERALISERING
/01- Zur Europäisierung der Energie- und Atomwirtschaft -Heinz Lang -10/89
/02- Forum Atomique Européen -Foratom - /80
/03- Europese aanzetten tot een gemeenschappelijk energiebeleid -studiec.vredesvraagst. - 9/78
/04- Energie en 1992. Advies aan de minister van EZ -Algemene Energieraad AER - 8/88
/05- Dialoog met de EG- uitbouw vd europese elektriciteitsvoorz. -Eurelectric - /92
/06- The European Energy Charter Treaty towards mutual energy security - - 5/94
/07- Naar een duurzame energie-voorziening in een vrijere energiemarkt -Bezinningsgroep Energiebeleid - 7/96
/08- An Appraisal of the European Energy Charter Arrangements in the Context of Environmental Law and Policy -Greenpeace -12/91
/09- European Electricty Systems in Transition. A Comparative Analysis of Policy and Regulation in Western Europe -Atle Midttun (edit.) - /97
/10- Renewable Energy and a Sustainable Development in a 'liberalized' energy market -OVE Danmark - 2/97
/11- The liberalisation of Europe's Electricity Markets - is the environment paying the price for cheap power? [+PDF] -Greenpeace, A. Frogatt - 5/00
/12- Key parts of Electricity Liberalisation Directive Approved by -European Parliament - 3/02
/13- Lights off. Debunking the Myths of Power Liberalisation [+PDF] -TNI - 5/02
/14- Energiemarkten op de weegschaal  -Algemene Energieraad - 4/03
/15- Power Generation Market Concentration in Europe 1996-2000 -Oeko-Institut, Mattthis/Poetzsch -  5/02
/16- Stroom; basisrecht of handelswaar -WISE Amsterdam -11/03
/17- Directive 2003/54/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 June 2003 concerning common rules for the internal market in electricity and repealing Directive 96/92/EC -EU - 7/03
/19- Energy Subsidies in the European Union [PDF] -F. Oosterhuis, IVM - 7/01
/20- De rol van de overheid in een vrije energiemarkt [PDF] -AER Algemene Energieraad -12/01
/21- Inventory of public aid granted to different energy sources [PDF] -European Commission -  /02
/22- The economics of new nuclear power plants and electricity liberalisation: Lessons for Finland from British experience [PDF]   -St. Thomas, Greenpeace Finland - 1/ 02
/23- Lights Off! Debunking the Myths of Liberalisation [PDF] -Transnational Institute -05/02 -05/02
/24- European grid study 2030/2050 [PDF] -E.Tröster, energynautics / Greenpeace International et al. -01/11 SAMENWERKINGSVERBANDEN - INTERNATIONALE VERDRAGEN
/01- Recht der Internationalen Beziehungen -Rudolf Geiger - 4/82
/02- Bericht uber die Umsetzung Beschlusse der 3. Internationale Nordseeschutz-Konferenz -B. Umweltministeriums - 2/93
/03- Abkommen der BRD und der UdSSR über die frühzeitige Benachrichtigung bei einem nuklearen Unfall -Bundesumweltministerium -10/88
/04- Bericht Bundesregierung über die Konferenz der VN für Umwelt und Entwicklung im Juni 1992 in Rio (o.a Agenda 21) -Bundesumweltministeriums - /92 SAMENWERKINGSVERBANDEN - LONDON (DUMPING) CONVENTION
/01- Briefing on Radioactive Waste Dumping at Sea -Greenpeace - 1/89
/02- Briefing document on ocean disposal of radioactive wastes -Greenpeace -   /83 - IMF / WERELD BANK
/01- Was tun mit IWF. Treffen Anti AKW Bew. -BiGam Marburg - /88
/02- IWF/Weltbank  -Tägliche Massenzeitung - 9/88
/03- Unterdruckung, Hunger, Krieg. Die Folgen Imperialistischer Politik IWF -Gött. AK gg Atomenergie - /87
/04- The IMF Handbook: Arming NGOs with Knowledge -Marijke Torfs, FOE USA - 2/96
/05- World Bank -Alex Hittle, FOE-US - 5/92
/06- De Wereldbank en Afrika -Ronald Boon -10/92
/07- Public Finance and Governing sustainable development -TNI - 6/00
/08- Fuel for Change. WB Energy Policy. Rhetoric vs Reality -Ian Tellam - /00
/09- EIB and financing nuclear energy [PDF] -European Investment Bank - 7/07
/10- Power Failure. How the World Bank is Failing to Adequately Finance Renewable Energy for Development -Friends of the earth -10/05  EUROPEES PARLEMENT/EU - ALGEMEEN
/01- Europe and it's energy problems -Barbara Mitchell - /77
/02- Energy statistics yearbook 1981 -Eurostat - 3/83
/03- Electricity prices 1980-1985 -Eurostat - 9/85
/04- Europese Almanak 1985 -EEG - /85
/05- Science & Technology for Europe: Joint Research Centre -Com.European Communit. - /89
/06- Het Europese Energiebeleid -EEG - 2/87
/07- Kernenergie 5 -Regenboogfraktie -
/08- Nucleaire veiligheid- De Gemeenschap na Tsjernobyl -EEG - 9/89
/09- Vooruitzichten betreffende de vraag naar primaire energie in de Gemeenschap (1975-'80-'85) -Europese Gemeenschap -
/10- Verslag Commissie Energie, Onderzoek en Technologie over energie en milieu -Europees Parlement - 5/91
/11- Draft report on environmental and public health aspects of storage, transport and reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel -Europees Parlement -08/92
/12- Voorstel voor een verordening vd Raad tot vaststelling van een onderzoeks- en onderwijsprogramma........... -EEG -07/87
/13- Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Inquiry on the handling and transport of nuclear material -European Parliament - /89
/14- Kernenergie in het Europese Parlement -Coppieters/e.a. - 9/80
/15- Nuclear Energy in the European Parliament -zie 14 - 9/80
/16- Ontwerpverslag: behoefte aan communautaire maatregelen voor definitieve opslag van radioactief afval en opwerking van bestraalde splijtstoffen -Europees Parlement - 8/83
/17- Eerste rapport over huidige situatie en vooruitzichten voor beheer van radioactieve stoffen in de Gemeenschap -Comm. Eur.Gemeenschappen - 5/83
/18- Energy in Europe, Nr. 3/85 -EEG -12/85
/19- Energy in Europe, Nr. 4/86 -EEG - 4/86
/20- Voorstel voor een 2e vijfjarenprogramma inzake het beheer en de opslag van radioactieve afvalstoffen (werk onder contract) -EG - 3/79
/21- Joint Research Centre -CEC - /85
/22- Verslag van de commissie aan de raad en het eur. parlement Het ongeval in de kc Tsjernobyl en de gevolgen....EG -CEE -11/86
/23- Kadermededeling van de Commissie aan de Raad over de consequenties van het ongeluk te Tsjernobyl -EG - 6/86
/24- De nucleaire veiligheid in de Europese Gemeenschap -EG - 5/85
/25- Op weg naar duurzame ontwikkeling. Beleidsplan en actie-programma van EG milieu en duurzame ontwikkeling -Comm. EG/ Direct-generaal XI - /93
/26- Stralingsbescherming in de Europese Unie -Europese Commissie -
/27- An Energy Policy for the European Union. White Paper -EU - /95
/28- Het Europese Parlement -Europees Parlement - /96
/29- Energy subsidies in Europe -Greenpeace/VU - 5/97
/30- STOA The Assessment of Scientific and Technological Policy  Options for the European Parliament -European Parliament -
/31- Report on the Commission proposal for a Council Decision adopting a specific research and training programme in the field of nuclear safety and safeguards (1994-1998) -EC -11/94
/32- Bouwen aan de Europese Unie. Wegwijzer voor de instellingen -Voorlichtingsbureau EG - /96
/33- Invloed van het Europese Parlement via de medebeslissingsprocedure -Europese Parlement - /97
/34- Europa van A-Z. Vademecum van de Europese integratie -Institut für Europäische Politik - /97
/35- Europe from A-Z. Guide to European integration (translation /34) -Institut für Europäische Politik - /97
/36- The European Union. 1997 Review and 1998 Prospects -Coopers & Lybrand - /98
/37- European Energy to 2020. Executive Summary -EC DG for Energy XVII - /96
/38- Nucleaire veiligheidscode van de Gemeenschap -EEG - /77
/39- Roeien met meer riemen. Impulsen voor een geïntegreerd europees milieubeleid -PvdA-Eurodelegatie - 7/96
/40- Europe-Asia co-operation strategy for energy -EC - 7/96
/41- Strategie voor energiesamenwerking tussen Europa en Azie -EG - 7/96
/42- Report on the commission....Europe-Asia cooperation strategy.. -EP - 4/97
/43- Verslag over de mededeling van de commissie "Strategie voor energiesamenwerking tussen Europa en Azie" -EP - 4/97
/44- Voorstel voor Besluit vd Raad betreffende organisatie van samenwerking rond overeengekomen communautaire energiedoelstellingen -EG -10/96
/45- Proposal for a Council Decision Concerning the Organisation of  Cooperation Around Agreed Community Energy Objectives -EC -10/96
/46- Verslag voorstel voor een besluit vd Raad betreffende...samenwerking....communautaire energiedoelstellingen -EP - 4/97
/47- Vijfde Kader Programma. Gemneenschappelijk standpunt van de Raad en het Europees Parlament -E. Raad & Parlament - /98
/48- EU Energy Policies towards the 21st Century -Paul K.Lyons - 6/98
/49- The Policies of Non-Nuclear Countries in the European Union -AAI -11/99
/50- 2347th Council Meeting -Energy / Industry. Provisional and Imcomplete version - Lars Rekke, EC - 5/01
/51- A sustainable Europe for a Better World. A European Union  Strategy for Sustainable Development. The Commission's proposal to the Gothenburg European Council -European Commission - 5/01
/52- Groenboek. Op weg naar een Europese strategie voor een continue energievoorziening -Europese Commissie - /01
/53- Green paper. Towards a European strategy for the security of energy supply (vertaling /52) -European Commission - /01
/54- Europeans and Radioactive Waste (opinion polls) -INRA / EC DG Transport & Energy - 4/02
/55- Nuclear safety in the European Union -Commission of the EC -  /02
/56- Het gezicht van de regio’s 2002-2004. Gezichten en functies -EU, Comité van de Regio’s -  /02
/57- Renunciation of nuclear energy by a Member State … -European Parliament - 1/87
/58- Some thoughts on the renunciation of nuclear energy: implications at community level -EC - 1/87
/59- Nuclear safety. A Community approach -EC -  /03
/60- Amended proposal for a COUNCIL DIRECTIVE (Euratom) laying down basic obligations and general principles on the safety of nuclear installations: Amended proposal for a COUNCIL DIRECTIVE (Euratom) on the safe management of the spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste: draft presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 119(2) of the Euratom Treaty -EC -09/04
/61- Securing a Sustainable Energy Future in an Enlarged European Union [PDF] -Green/EFA Group in EP - 4/01
/62- The future of nuclear energy in the European Union [PDF]  -De Esteban, EC - 5/02
/63- Setting out basic obligations and general principles on the safety of nuclear installations: Proposal for a Council Directive (Euratom) on the management of spent fuel and radioactive waste [PDF] -European Commisson - /03
/64- Der EU-Verfassungsvertrag und die Atompolitik der EU -U.Schoenberger - 3/07
/65- The sustainable nuclear energy technology platform. A vision report [+PDF] -European Commission - 4/07
/66- Europa en de energievoorziening: Fossiele brandstoffen voor mens en klimaat (serie Europa in de praktijk) -WISE/Ander Europa/H.vd Keur -09/11
/67 Europe's energyposition: 2010 Annual Report -EC/ Market Observatory for energy - /11
/68- Energy roadmap 2050 -Europese Commissie (EC) - /12 Comments On the "stress tests" specifications - Proposal by the WENRA Task Force [PDF] -Greenpeace/J. Haverkamp   -05/11  EUROPEES PARLEMENT/EU - OPINIE PEILINGEN
/01- Attitudes towards Energy. Special Eurobarometer [+PDF] -EC Euro barometer -  1/06
/02- Europeans and radioactive waste  [+PDF] -Eurobarometer - 4/02
/03- European Citizen’s view on radioactive waste, an updated review [PDF]  -Botella, Coadou, EC -  /06
/04- Europeans and nuclear safety [PDF] -TNS opinion &social - 2/07  EUROPEES PARLEMENT/EU - UITBREIDING, TOETREDING O-EUROPA
/01- Agenda 2000. Voor een sterkere en grotere Unie -Europese Commissie - 5/97
/02- EU Enlargement: Possibilities for nuclear phase-out -Global 2000 - 9/98
/03- Real Ways to Reduce Nuclear Risk in Eastern Europe (summary) -EU Enlargement Watch -10/98
/04- European conference on nuclear phase-out... -Global 2000 - /98
/05- European Union Enlargement. A historic opportunity -EC - /99
/06- Instruments and options for environmental policy during the accession process of EU associated countries in the area of environment and energy. Final report to R&D Project No 29897336 for the Umweltbundesamt -M.Cames (Öko-Inst.) e.a. - 4/00
/07- European Nuclear Threats: Old and New –Bankwatch, NIRS, WISE/Energy Club –11/03
/08- The EU’s Energy Support Programmes. Promoting Sustainability or Pollution? -Antony Froggatt -  4/04
/09- Nuclear risk and public control : Part I Joint Report -ÖÖI, Patricia Lorenz -   /03
/10- Energy markets: Consequences for the Central and East European States [PDF] -Margarita M. Malmaceda -  /02    VERARMD URANIUM – ALGEMEEN (oa. Gezondheidsonderzoek)
         DEPLETED URANIUM - GENERAL (a.o. health consequences)
/01- Potential behavior of depleted uranium penetrators under  shipping and bulk storage accidents conditions -Batelle Pacific Northwest Lab. US - 3/85
/02- Kinetic Energy Penetrator Long Term Strategy Study. Final Report -AMCCOM Task Group  Dep. of Army - 7/90
/03- Kinetic Energy Penetrator Long Term Strategy Study  Appendix D Environmental and Health Considerations -AMCCOM Task Group  Dep. of Army - 7/90
/04- Study on depleted uranium (tails) and on uranium residues from  reprocessing with respect to quantities, characteristics,  storage, possible disposal routes and radiation exposure -Wingender, Becker, Doran (Nukem) -  /94
/05- De gevolgen van bewapening voor mens en milieu. Reader -TU Eindhoven -10/94
/06- Health and Environmental Consequences of Depleted Uranium Use in the U.S. Army: Summary report to the congress -US Army Env. Policy Institute  - 6/94
/17- Health and Environmental Consequences of Depleted Uranium Use in the U.S. Army: Technical Report -US Army Env. Policy Institute  - 6/94
/08- Friendly Fire. The Link Between Depleted Uranium Munitions and Human Health Effects -Damacio A.Lopez - 3/95
/09- Metal of Dishonour. How the Pentagon Radiates soldiers  & civilians with DU weapons -IAC - 4/97
/10- Depleted Uranium: Agent Orange of the 90's.  Another Pentagon coverup -Military Toxics Project -  /98
/11- Metal of Dishonour. (zie 09, second revised edition) -IAC - 4/99
/12- Depleted Uranium. A post-war disaster for environment and health [+PDF] -Stichting Laka - 5/99
/13- Gezondheidsrisico’s bij blootstelling aan uranium -Gezamenlijke Geneeskundige Beleidsstaf - 7/99
/14- On the Biological Effects and Health Risks following Exposure to Aerosols produced by the use of Depleted Uranium Weapons -Chris Busby -10/00
/15- Conference Papers. International Conference Against DU Weapons -CADU  - 4/01
/16- The health hazards of depleted uranium munitions Part 1 -The Royal Society (UK) - 5/01
/17- Gezondheidsrisico's van blootstelling aan verarmd uranium -Gezondheidsraad - 5/01
/18- The US Military's Environmental Assault on Communities -Military Toxics Pr./Env. Health Coa. - 6/01
/19- Discounted Casualties. The Human Cost of Depleted Uranium -Akira Tashira -   /01
/20- Depleted Uranium. Opinion of Group of Experts Established According  to Article 31 of the Euratom Treaty  –European Commission - 3/01
/21- Depleted Uranium. Sources, Exposure and Health Effects -WHO - 4/01
/22- Contribution au debat sur L’uranium apprauvri -Annie Gut / Bruno Vitale - 5/02
/23- Depleted Uranium. Deadly, dangerous and Indiscriminate (translation /22) -Gut/Vitale, CADU -10/03
/24- Effects of short-term and long-term depleted uranium exposure on open-field behavior and brain lipid oxidation in rats [PDF] -W.Briner, J. Murray - 9/04
/25- Evaluation of the effect of implanted depleted uranium on male reproductive success, sperm concentration and sperm velocity [PDF] -Arfsten, Schaeffer, Johnson,  -  3/05
/26- Enriched but not depleted uranium affects central nervous system in long-term exposed rat [PDF]  -Houpert, Lestaevel, Bussy… -  4/05
/27- The brain is a target organ after acute exposure to depleted uranium [PDF] -Levaestel, Houpert, Bussy…. -  6/05
/28- Development of an environmentally friendly protective coating for the DU –0.75 wt % titanium alloy –Part 2: Coating information and evaluation [PDF] –Roeper, Chidambaram, Clayton -  5/05
/29- In vivo effects of chronic contamination with depleted uranium on CYP3A and associated nuclear receptors PXR and CAR in rat [PDF] –Souidi, Guegen, Linard… -  6/05
/30- Depleted uranium – uranyl chloride induces apoptosis  in mouse J774-macrophages [PDF] – Kalinich, Ramakrishnan -  6/02
/31- Genomic instability in human osteoblast cells after exposure to depleted uranium [PDF] –Miller, Brooks,  - 2/02
/32- Report expert-meeting on risks depleted uranium use in weapon systems. -Laka & NVMP - 2/08  VERARMD URANIUM – MILITAIR - ALGEMEEN
/01- Guidelines for safe response to handling, storage, and transportation accidents involving army tank munitions or armor which contain depleted uranium-Department of the Army, US - 9/90
/02- Uranium Battlefield Home & Abroad -Citizen Alert - 3/93
/03- Depleted Uranium. “Agent Orange” of the 1990s? The use of  depleted uranium in armor and armor-piercing projectiles -Rene Cortenraad - 4/95
/04- Campaign against depleted uranium - Briefing Pack -CADU - 4/99
/05- Uran-Waffen im einsatz: Irak, Kosovo, ... (verslag 1-2000) -Evangelische Akademie - 1/00
/06- Planet Earth. The latest weapon of war. -Rosalie Bertell -  /00
/07- Uranium appauvri. La guerre invisible -Meissonier/Loore/Trilling -  /01
/08- Met stille trom. De naweeën van de nieuwe oorlog -Marleen Teugels -  /02
/09- Science or science fiction?  -Dan Fahey - 3/03
/10-Tin Tin & The Big DU Cover Up -The Banana Split Collective -   /02
/11-  Les Armes a Uranium Appauvri. Jalons pour une interdiction  –Barrilliot/Castanier/e.a.  -     /01
/12-  “Depleted” Uranium Weapons: Nuclear Waste as a Weapon  –Military Toxics Project  –  6/03
/13- The Trojan horse of nuclear wars -GAAA, NEIS - 4/04
/14- The Emergence and Decline of the Debate over Depleted Uranium Munitions 1991-2004 -Dan Fahey -  6/04
/15- Ban uranium weapons November 6 Panel: On the precautionary principle the DU Draft Convention the burden of proof and the ICRP -Baverstock/Mohr/ICBUW. -07/04
/16- Cluster Bombs, Landmines, Nuclear Weapons and Depleted Uranium Weapons -Netwerk Vlaanderen ...et al. - 4/04
/17- Battle Scars: Global Conflicts and Environmental Health -V. Brown, C. Schmidt, NIEHS -12/04
/18- DU: health and public health issues arising from the use of depleted uranium munitions [PDF] –PSR -10/05
/19- Uraniumwapens –genetisch materiaal als schietschijf [PDF] -Voor Moeder Aarde -12/05
/20- The human cost of uranium weapons -E.d.Groen,Weir,Toyoda,Moritaki - /07
/21- Depleted Uranium: Properties, military use and health risks [PDF] -Ian Fairlie - 1/09
/22- Verarmd uranium. Tijd voor duidelijkheid [PDF] -IKV/PaxChristi - 6/09
/23- Effects of the use of armamaments and ammunitions containing depleted uranium [PDF] -UN General Assembly -07/08  VERARMD URANIUM – MILITAIR - WAPENSYSTEMEN
/01- Environmental assessment of the Abrams Heavy Armor System -  - 4/98  VERARMD URANIUM – MILITAIR - (INTER-) NATIONAAL RECHT
/01- Memorandum on Depleted Uranium Penetrating Weapons under International Law  -Brice W.Friedman - 5/99
/02- Depleted Uranium at the United Nations/ Compilation of documents -CADU, Karen Parker - 2/00
/03- Findings of the IALANA Support Group on Depleted Uranium under International Law (Draft for discussion) -IALANA - 9/00
/04- The International Legality of Depleted Uranium  Weapons -Avril McDonald - 6/03
/05- België verbiedt wapens met verarmd uranium -Willem van den Panhuysen - 7/07  VERARMD URANIUM – MILITAIR – DESERT STORM / IRAK / KOEWEIT
/01- Operation Desert Storm  -GAO - 1/93
/02- Uranium projectiles: severely maimed soldiers, deformed babies, dying children -S-H Günther - 1/96
/03- Case Narrative. Depleted Uranium (DU) Exposures -Dan Fahey - 3/98
/04- De risico's van het militaire gebruik van verarmd uranium [PDF] -Laka /Henk vd Keur - 6/98
/05- Case Narrative. Depleted Uranium (DU) Exposures 3de editie /04 -Dan Fahey - 9/98
/06- Conference on Health and Environmental Consequences of Depleted Uranium used by the U.S. and British Forces in the 1991 Gulf War -Documents collected by Damacio Lopez -12/98
/07- Don't look, don't find. Gulf War veterans, the US Government and Depleted Uranium 1990-2000 -Dan Fahey/Military Toxics Project - 3/00
/08- Children of the Gulf War  -Takashi Morizumi - 8/02
/09- The use of depleted uranium in the 2003 Iraq war -Dan Fahey - 6/03
/10- No War, No DU  -Hiroshima Appeal for Banning DU Wea. -10/03
/11- Paying The Price (from: The New Rulers of the World) -John Pilgerr -   /02
/12- Biological monitoring and surveillance results of Gulf War I veterans exposed to depleted uranium [PDF] -McDiarmid, Engelhardt … -  4/05  VERARMD URANIUM – MILITAIR – (ex) JOEGOSLAVIE
/01- Assessment of the Environmental Impact of Military Activities during the Yugoslavia Conflict. Preliminary findings -REC/EC DG-XI - 6/99
/02- The Kosovo Conflict: consequences for the environment & human settlements  -UNCHS/UNEP -  /99
/03- Facts on consequences of the use of depleted uranium in the NATO agression against the federal republic of Yugoslavia in 1999 -Yug. Fed. Ministry of Foreign Affairs - 8/00
/04- Depleted Uranium in Kosovo. Post-Conflict Environmental Assessmment -UNEP - 3/01
/05- Depleted Uranium in Serbia and Montenegro. Post-conflict Environmental Assessment in de Federal Republic of Yugoslavia -UNEP - 3/02
/06- Depleted Uranium in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Post-Conflict Environmental Assessment -UNEP -  3/03
/07- Chemical and mineralogical transformations caused by weathering in anti-tank DU penetrators discharged during the Kosovo war [PDF] -Mellini, Riccobono -  2/05
/08- Concentration and characteristics of depleted uranium in water, air and biological samples collected in Serbia and Montenegro [PDF]  -Jia, Belli, Sansone, Silvia … -  5/05
/09- A question of responsibility: depleted uranium weapons in the Balkans [PDF] -ICBUW/ David Cullen - /10  VERARMD URANIUM – MILITAIR – ROSM FEATHERSTONE
/01- Injuries at R.O.S.M. Featherstone. Report -Health & Safety policy group - 2/99  VERARMD URANIUM – MILITAIR – VIEQUES, PUERTO RICO
/01- Environmental Impacts of US Navy bombing and shelling activity in Vieques, Puerto Rico -L.Marquez/JF Porto -  /99  VERARMD URANIUM – MILITAIR – AFGHANISTAN
/01-  Mystery Metal Nightmare in Afghanistan? -Dai Williams - 1/02
/02- The Silent Genocide from AmerIca -Mohammed  Daud Miraki -   /03  VERARMD URANIUM – MILITAIR – REST LOKATIES
/01- Occupied Palestinian Territories. Desk Study on the Environment -UN Environment Programme -  /03  VERARMD URANIUM – CIVIEL – ALGEMEEN (TOEPASSINGEN e,d)
/01- Potential Nonnuclear Uses for Depleted Uranium -W.Nelson/R.Carmichael - 7/60  VERARMD URANIUM – CIVIEL – BIJLMER
/01- Bijlmerramp. Logboek beleidscentrum 4-23 oktober 1992 -Gemeente Amsterdam -  /93
/02- Vrachtdocumentatie El-Al-vlucht LY 1862 4 oktober 1992 -El Al -  /92
/03- Oriënterend bodemonderzoek op het terrein rond de flats.. -Omegam - 6/93
/04- Aanvullend bodemonderzoek op het terrein rond de flats.. -Omegam -10/93
/05- Onderzoek naar uranium en wolfraam ter plaatse van het vliegtuig-ongeval in de Bijlmermeer D.D. 4 oktober 1992 -Omegam -12/93
/06- Aanvullend onderzoek naar uranium ter plaatse van het vliegtuig-ongeval in de Bijlmermeer D.D. 4 oktober 1992 -Omegam - 3/94
/07- Going down, going down. De ware toedracht van de Bijlmer.. -Vincent Dekkers - 9/94
/08- Verarmd uranium en de Bijlmerramp [PDF] -Stichting LAKA -12/94
/09- Vliegramp Bijlmermeer; eindrapportage uranium -Stadsdeel Amsterdam Zuidoost -10/94
/10- Isotopenonderzoek; Omegamrapportage 11023668 -Omegam - 1/95
/11- Onderzoek naar uranium en asbest in het Guldenkruisgebied te Amsterdam-Zuidoost -Omegam - 9/95
/12- Gezondheidsklachten nav de Bijlmerramp- 2e tussenrapportage -het telefonisch meldpunt -Ijzermans/Kerssens/Schadé/vdZee -  /98
/13- Zwartboek Bijlmervliegramp -De Groenen Amsterdam Zuid-Oost - 2/98
/14- "...en als het toch verbrand is...?" [PDF] -Stichting Laka - 4/98
/15- Bijlmerramp. De Meetresultaten van Biospectron -Stichting Visie - 4/98
/16- Uranium in de Bijlmer en de gezondheidsproblemen -Klarissa Nienhuys - 4/98
/17- Jaarverslag 1997. Stichting Werkgroep Vliegverkeer Bijlmermeer -WVB - 6/98
/18- Onderzoek verarmd uranium vliegtuigongeval Bijlmermeer -ECN Nucleair Onderzoek - 9/98
/19- De Bijlmerramp en gezondheidsproblemen. Een eerste tussen rapportage. De inventarisatie onder huisartsen -Inspectie Volksgezondheid - 9/98
/20- Gezondheidsrisico's brand EL-AL Boeing -RIVM -10/98
/21- Blootstelling tgv werkzaamheden met resten...Hangar 8...KLM-medewerkers  -TNO -12/98
/22- Afvalstromen Bijlmerramp  -Stadsdeel Zuidoost -12/98
/23- Going Down, going down/Actueel -V.Dekker -  /99
/24- Parlementaire enquete- Persoonlijk chronologisch verslag  -R.van Gijzel - 3/99
/25- Onderzoek Gezondheidsklachten Bijlmerramp- Derde tussenrapportage -Dossieronderzoek bij de Huisarts -Ijzermans/Kerssens/Schadé/vdZee ea - 4/99
/26- Een beladen vlucht. Eindrapport Bijlmer Enquete -Enquete Commissie Bijlmermeer - 4/99
/27- Original investigation: Epidemiologic Study of the Autoimmune Health Effects of a Cargo Aircraft Disaster [+PDF]  -P. Slottje, J. Bijlsma, ...et al., AMA -  /05  VERARMD URANIUM – CIVIEL – REST LOKATIES
/01- Katastrophenalarm. Die unendliche Geschichte von Remscheid -Dudeck/Velte/Wolf -12/93 ATOOMLOBBY - NEDERLAND - ALGEMEEN
/01- Standpunt inzake toekomstig energiebeleid -Comprimo/Neratoom/Nucon -12/81
/02- Energy & Power Plants 1986 (beurs Ahoy) -Programmaboekje - /86
/03- Company sessions during the trade fair -Energy & Power Plants - /86
/04- The policy structure of the Dutch nuclear energy sector -Gerrit Jan Zijlstra - 6/82
/05- Kernenergie in Nederland. Stand van zaken toekomstige ontwikkeling -Conferentie verslag RCN - 6/72
/06- De laatste druppels, wie biedt meer... -Energiegroep Nijmegen - 9/74
/07- Kernenergie in Nederland. Onderzoek naar machtstructuren -Uitham/dVries/Zijlstra - /77
/08- Actieradius -Kernenergie Ver. Nederland - /81
/09- Radioactief afval... Veilig opbergen! Hoe? -Kernenergie Allicht -12/82 ATOOMLOBBY - NEDERLAND - BEDRIJVEN
/01- The Dutch nuclear programm: Role of the Dutch industry -Elektrowatt - 1/86
/02- De Nederlandse belangen in Z-Afrika -Juffermans/e.a. - /76
/03- De Nukleaire Gids -Speurgroep Bequerel - 4/87
/04- Nederland investeert in Apartheid -AABN/KZA/e.a. - /85
/05- Multinationals in Arnhem -Ed Bruinvis - 4/89
/06- Ledenlijst 1984/1985 ONRI -Orde Raadgevende Ingenieurs - /85
/AE01- Verslag werkzaamheden over 1981 -Algemene Energie Raad - 3/82
/AE02- Verslag werkzaamheden over 1982 -Algemene Energie Raad - 5/83
/AE03- Advies inzake heroverweging uitbreiding kernenergie -Algemene Energie Raad - 7/89
/AE04- Verslag werkzaamheden over 1983 -Algemene Energie Raad - 2/84
/AE05- Verslag werkzaamheden over 1984 -Algemene Energie Raad - 4/85
/AE06- Toekomstige elektriciteitsproduktie in licht van de MDE -Algemene Energie Raad - 6/84
/AE07- Kommentaar Indicatief Meerjaren Plan Progr. Lucht -Algemene Energie Raad -11/84
/AE08- Verslag werkzaamheden over 1985 -Algemene Energie Raad -11/85
/AE09- Jaarverslag 1986 -Algemene Energie Raad - 4/87
/AE10- Advies over electriciteitsplan 87-96 -Algemene Energie Raad - 2/87
/AE11- Commentaar op het voorontwerp Wet Energiedistributie -Algemene Energie Raad -10/88
/AE12- Brandstofinzet centra les -Algemene Energie Raad -10/81
/AE13- Energie-onderzoek en lange termijnenergiebeleid -Algemene Energie Raad -11/87
/AE14- Jaaradvies 1988 -Algemene Energie Raad
/AE15- Kolen en Uraan. Overzicht van relevante aspekten -Algemene Energie Raad - 8/79
/AM01- Produktie en afscherming Rontgenstraling in het TN-III experiment BP-11 -AMOLF Hopman/Turkenburg/e.a. - 5/73
/AM02- Bezoekersgids AMOLF -FOM -
/AM03- Visitors Guide AMOLF-Instituut voor Atoom- en Molecuulfysica -AMOLF / FOM - 4/79
/DS01- De verbruiker bepaald; DSM: energiepolitiek -Bakker/van Helvert - 7/82
/DY01- De Dutch Young Generation in oude en nieuwe jaar, jaarverslag [PDF][PDF] -Dutch Young Generation -  /04
/EG01- Nuclear Instruments and Systems -EG & G Instruments Benelux - /89
/Fu01- Tweede Woordstroom (personeelsblad) -FOM - 1/81
/Fu02- Jaarboek 1987 -FOM - 9/88
/Fu03- Jaarboek 1988 -FOM - 9/89
/Fu04- Jaarboek 1989 -FOM - 7/90
/Fu05- Jaarboek 1990 -FOM - 6/91
/Fu06- Jaarboek 1991 -FOM - 5/92
/Fu07- Jaarboek 1992 -FOM - 4/93
/Fu08- Jaarboek 1993 -FOM - 4/94
/Fu09- Jaarboek 1994 -FOM - 4/95
/Fu10- Jaarboek 1995 -FOM - 4/96
/Fu11- Jaarboek 1996 -FOM - 4/97
/Fu12- Jaarboek 1997 -FOM - 3/98
/Fu13- Annual Report FOM Rijnhuizen /Associatie Euratom-FOM -FOM - 6/98
/Fu14- Jaarboek 1998 -FOM - 3/99
/Fu15- Jaarboek 1999 -FOM - 4/00
/Fu16- Jaarboek 2000 -FOM - 3/01
/Fu17-  Jaarboek 2001 -FOM - 3/02
/Fu18- Jaarboek 2002 -FOM - 3/03
/Fu19- Jaarboek 2003  -FOM - 3/04
/GA01- Gammaster -Gammaster -
/IA01- Institute for Advanced Materials. Your technology partner -IAM Joint Research Centre Petten -
/KV01- Het Lab (over Kernfysisch Versneller Instituut Groningen) -Bert Bakker - 4/98
/LS01- Energie 1976. Tweede interimrapport van de Landelijke Stuurgroep Energie Onderzoek  -LSEO - 8/76
/LS02- Energy 1976. Second interim report -LSEO -  /77
/LS03- Interimrapport van de Landelijke Stuurgroep Energie Onderzoek -LSEO -  1/75
/LS04- Interim report to the Minister for Science Policy of the Netherlands -LSEO - 12/74
/LS05- Programma in hoofdlijnen. -LSEO - 8/76
/LS06- Outline programme -LSEO - 8/76
/MA01- Ultratechnekow FM -Mallinckrodt Diagnostica -
/NE01- Neratoom -Neratoom -   /
/NU01- Company Profile -Nucon Bv -
/NU02- Radioactiviteit en straling. Natuurlijk nuttig. -Nucleair Nederland - /07
/NU03- Radioactiviteit: natuurlijk nodig! -Nucleair Nederland - 5/08
/NU04- Radioactiviteit en straling. Natuurlijk nuttig. -Nucleair Nederland - 9/08
/NU05- Tsjernobyl 25 jaar na dato: 26 april 1986 - 26 april 2011 [PDF] -Nuceair Nederland -04/11
/Pe01- Smelter onder stroom -RSI - 7/83
/Pe02- De Smelter Pechiney Ugine Kuhlman/aluminiumsector -RSI - 6/82
/PR01- PEO. Stichting Projectbeheerbureau Energieonderzoek  -J. Noordhoek -  /85
/PW01- Resurgence of nuclear power: Key considerations as the nuclear option is re-introduced [PDF]-PWC - /10
/RA01- Duurzame energie: de belofte van alternatieve energiebronnen [PDF] -Rabobank -Dijk,Hansen, ea. - 3/07
/RD01- General Engineering -RDM -
/SO01- Systems Engineering -Sonomatic Ltd - /89
/WE01- Gamma-bestralingsinstallatie -Werkspoor Amsterdam - 5/67
/ZW01- Nederlandse organisatie ZWO. Jaarboek 82 -ZWO - 7/83 ATOOMLOBBY - NEDERLAND - WERKGEVERS/KIVI
/01- Bijdrage van de Verbonden aan de BMD -VNO - /80
/02- Uit de VNO-keuken geklapt (intern diskussie stuk) -VNO - 8/80
/03- Energie voor morgen -VNO/NCW - /82
/04- Standpunt inzake het in de toekomst te voeren energiebeleid -NCW - 6/83
/05- Jaarboek KIVI 1989/1990 -KIVI - /89
/06- Energieprijzen & nederlandse industrie -SIGE - 4/83
/07- KIVI Ledenboek (+ CD-Rom!) -KIVI - 9/99
/08- Nederland Gidsland? Als het maar slim gebeurt! Voorstel van bedrijfsleven voor realiseren energie- en klimaatdoelstellingen -VNO-NCW/MKB/LTO - 5/07 ATOOMLOBBY - NEDERLAND - UNIVERSITEITEN
/01- Tweede interimrapport Interuniversitair Overleg Energieonderzoek -Academische Raad - 2/82
/02- Op weg naar een nieuwe (?) strategie voor het energieonderzoek -Interduct -  /94
/03- Eerste interimrapport Interuniversitair Overleg Energieonderzoek -Academische Raad - 1/80
/04- O4 in Nederland nucleair: een visie van de Stichting KINT [PDF] -St. KINT 03/06 ATOOMLOBBY - NEDERLAND - PERSONEN
/01- Kernenergie voor elektriciteits-produktie -P.J.B.Wasser - 7/73
/02- Dhr. Wasser spreekt tot FNV-Jongeren -P.J.B.Wasser - /80
/03- Zo (do)de waard is, vertrouwt 'ie z'n gasten (Geertsema) -Nico -10/80
/04- Ondernemen met kennis -Harry van den Kronenberg - /96
/05- William Verstraeten -Covra/Delta/E.J. Rozendaal /11 ATOOMLOBBY - BUITENLAND - ALGEMEEN
/01- Atomwirtschaft, -technik -perspektiven -Atomwirtschaft - 3/81
/02- De energie-lobbie -Laan/Robijns - /82
/03- Energieknappheit? Die gemachte Krise -KPD-ML -10/79
/04- Lew Kowarski -CERN - 5/80
/05- Die strahlende bunte Werbung der Atomindustrie -Bund für Umweltschutz -
/06- Die Spaltung des Kerns im dienst des Kapitals -Editora Queimada - /76
/07- The Global Military-Industrial Complex -Peter McMahon - 6/87
/08- Dokumentation zur NUCLEX und ENC'86 -GAGAK -
/09- Eastern & Central European Energy-investment for future -IAEA - 6/92
/10- Industry Guide and Digest 1961 -Nuclear Power Digest - /61
/11- List of Participants ICNPFC -IAEA - 5/77
/12- Verflechtung von Wirtschaft, Staat und Wirtschaft im Bereich der Kernenergie -Bund für Umweltschutz - 9/76
/13- Jahrestagung Kerntechnik '95 -Deutsches Atomforum - 5/95
/14- A race to the bottom. Creating risk, generating Debt and Guaranteeing Environmental Destruction. Export Credit Agency's -Urgewald e.a - 3/99
/15- Multilateral Financial Institutions -Both Ends - 6/01
/16- Zum atomindustriellen Komplex in Westeuropa -Lutz Mez -  /
/17- Powering a sustainable future -WBCSD -10/06
/18- Wie radioaktiv ist meine Bank? -Urgewald/GLS Bank/R.Richter 12/10
/19- Mind the gap: Benchmarking credit policies of interntional banks -Banktrack 12/07 ATOOMLOBBY - BUITENLAND - BEDRIJVEN
/01- Atomenergie und Arbeitsplätze -BI Chemie gegen AKW - /77
/01- Atomlobby Schweiz -GAGAK -10/85
/03- Wer mit Wem in Atomstaat und Grossindustrie (BRD) -AG Atomindustrie - 7/87
/04- Der Kernbrennstoff-Kreislauf -Witsch. Kern-Kreislauf - /86
/05- The Military-Civilian Nuclear Link. Guide to the French Nuclear Industry -Mary D.Davis - /88
/06- Utility Data Institute -UDI - 8/93
/07- Electricity and Warheads. Guide French Nuclear Industry -Mary D.Davis - /86
/08- Kernenergie Adressbuch für die BRD - -
/09- A corporate guide to the Wollaston Lake Area of N. Sask. -BRICK -
/10- Nuclear Fuel Supply Industry in the European Community -Graham & Trotman - /81
/11- Energie 2000. Presse Taschenbuch -Jens M. Kroll /IZE - /00
/12- Le Cartel Nucleaire -European Environmental Bureau -11/82
/BC01- Bechtel: profiting from destruction. Why the corporate invasion of Iraq must be stopped -Public Citizen, Global Exchange, CorpWatch - 6/03
/By02- 75 Jahre Bayernwerk AG -Bayernwerk - /96
/De01- Degussa: Wer, Wann, Wie, Wo, Was? -AG gg Atomanlagen Frankfurt - 5/88
/Ed06- L'etat EdF -F. de Gravelaine e.a. - /78
/GE02- INFACT brings GE to Light. General Electric: Shaping  Nuclear Weapons Policies for Profits -INFACT - /88
/Go01- The Guru and Gold. Newmont & Sir James Goldsmith -Minewatch - /92
/KW03- KWU: Aufrufe für offensive Kampagne gegen KWU -Berliner Anti-AKW Gr. - 9/86
/KW04- KWU-Reader Teil 2 -Berliner Anti-AKW Gr. - 2/87
/KW14- Siemens Boykott. Kampagnen-Konzept -Anti-Atom-Laden Berlin -
/KW15- Siemens blockiert weltweit Atomausstieg -Henrik Paulitz - 4/96
/KW16- Siemens Nuklear. Alternativer Bericht über die Atom-Geschäfte der Siemens AG -Siemens Boykott - 1/98
/KW17- Siemens-Boykott. Gute Argumente -IPPNW - 8/01
/On02- Sausages, Schnitzels & Public Power -Ontario Hydro - /81
/RT01- Report of the Bristol Commission of Inquiry into Southern Africa Activities of the RTZ Company -Bristol Commission of Inquiry -12/82
/RT02- RTZ uncovered -Partizans - 5/85
/RW01- Eine Riese mit Ausstrahlung: RWE -AG Atomindustrie - 9/84
/RW02- Das RWE. Was steckt dahinter? -Ini gegen Atomanlagen Essen-
/RW03- Filz und Feigenblatt -Die GRÜNEN - /89
/UA03- Fourth Annual Report 1957 - 1958 -UKAEA - 7/58
/UA04- Fifth Annual Report 1958 - 1959 -UKAEA - 7/59
/UA05- Sixth Annual Report 1959 - 1960 -UKAEA - 7/60
/UI02- Proceedings of the Annual Symposium 1997-2000 (CD-ROM) -Uranium Institute - /00