Adder tags

tag description no. of articles
SAFEGUARDS Check new treaty IAEA against military use civilian nucl.mat 4
CHIN-SHAN, TAIWAN Chin-Shan, Taiwan 1
CNNC China National Nuclear Corporation; China 1
CHUBU EPCO Chubu Electric Power Co. 1
CIGAR LAKE Cigar Lake; uranium mining, Canada 1
CIVAUX, FRANCE Civaux, France 3
LUCENS CNL, ZWITSER. CNL Lucens, Switzerland 1
COGEMA Cogema (Compagnie Generale des matières nucléaires) 17
COMINCO LTD COMINAK, Compagnie des Mines d'Akouta, Niger 2
WAYSS & FREYTAG AG company involved in Gorleben via share Deilmann Haniel 1
LABOUR POLICY company policies regarding personel as well as wider 2
AEG Company: AEG ag, Frankfurt / Berlin 1
UCIL company: Uranium Corporation of India Ltd. 1
CTBT comprehensive test ban treaty 1
MILITARY ATTACKS consequences of military attacks on nuclear facilities 2
RADIOACTIVE SCRAP METAL contaminated metal, finds and (discussion) reuse 1
LOBBY-PERSONS contents of this keyword is moving to Individuals 2
HEALTH see: HEALTH POPULATION contents of this keyword is to population health 1
EUROPE Continent 3
ASIA continent 1
AMERICA continent, see for country: USA 2
OSPAR Convention against pollution of the North Atlantic 1
MEXICO country 1
SOUTH KOREA country 10
CUBA country (Central) America 2
CANADA country (North) America, hoofdstad: Ottawa 16
KAZAKHSTAN country (part of Soviet Union till 1-9-1991) 5
UKRAINE country (part of Soviet Union till 1-9-1991) 36
LITOUWEN country (part of Soviet Union till 1-9-1991) 5
BELARUS country (part of Soviet Union till 1-9-1991) 6