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tag description no. of articles
ALBANIA Country, capital Tirana 1
AUSTRIA country in Europe 1
BALAKOVO, SU Russia: nuclear plant 900 km southeast of Moscow 1
BELARUS country (part of Soviet Union till 1-9-1991) 1
BORSSELE location of 1 PWR reactor, Netherlands 4
BULGARIA country in Europe, capital: Sofia 1
COOPERATION between companies, governments or government bodies bedr.en 4
COST - GENERAL Overall energy costs 8
COSTS NUCLEAR ENERGY Atomic energy costs 1
CZECH REPUBLIC country in Europe, part of former Czechoslovakia 3
DECOMMISSIONING reactor decommissioning; incl. nuclear weapons 4
DENMARK country in Europe 1
DODEWAARD location, Netherlands 6
ECN Energy research Centre of the Netherlands (formerly RCN) 1
EDF Electricité de France, Paris 1
ELECTRABEL Belgian electricity company (owner kc) 1
ELECTRICITY role of nuclear power in electricty 12
ELECTRICITY COMPANIES Electricity Companies 6
ENERGIENED Netherlands. Owner of e-distribution and transportation network 1
EPON Electricity Production Company East Netherlands 3
EPZ Electricity production Company South Netherlands - operator of Borssele nuclear power plant 3
EUROPEISERING unification energy and atomic energy industry 8
EXPORT import and export; No power! (See IMPORT than ATOMIC POWER) 2
EZH EZH Electricity distribution South Holland 1
FINLAND Finland 1
FRANCE France 2
GERMANY Germany and former West Germany 2
GPB Large-scale Production Company, thought successor SEP 3