Adder tags

tag description no. of articles
ABOVE GROUND WASTE STORAGE only place other than that of production; (from 13/04/04) 2
ACCIDENTS REMAINDERS including leaks (nuclear weapons and submarines etc.) 4
ACQUISITION Merger and / or acquisition elec. and nuclear power plants 1
ACTIONS Actions re. nuclear power 13
AFGHANISTAN country in Asia 1
AKKUYU, TURKEY location possible nuclear power plant (in the Mediterranean) 1
ALP Australian Labor Party 12
ANSTO Australian Nuclear Science & Technical Organisation 5
ANTI-NUCLEAR MOVEMENT Anti-Nuclear Movement (AKB) and environmental organizations 14
ARGENTINE country, capital Buenos Aires 1
ARIUS successor PANGEA from Feb 2002 (see possibly. also PANGEA) 1
ARPANSA Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency 2
AUSTRALIA country, capital Canberra 89
BEVERLEY uranium mine, Australia 3
BNFL British Nuclear Fuels Ltd (see also BNG) 1
CAMECO Cameco Corporation 1
CENSORSHIP including (attempts) to conceal or alter information 1
CHURCHES opinion of churches about nuclear energy 1
CITY COUNCIL Decision position, discussion .. (of course also abroad) 1
CLEANUP SITES Remediation and restoration (no dismantling facilities) 2
CLOSURE finally closing a nuclear plant 1
COBALT All isotopes 1
COGEMA Cogema (Compagnie Generale des matières nucléaires) 1
CONGRESS incl. workshops 9
CONSTRUCTION NUCLEAR POWER PLANT (Installations) international + Netherlands 8
CONTAMINATION Radioactive contamination 6
COOPERATION between companies, governments or government bodies bedr.en 1
COSTS NUCLEAR ENERGY Atomic energy costs 6
CTBT comprehensive test ban treaty 1