Adder tags

tag description no. of articles
ACCIDENTS REMAINDERS including leaks (nuclear weapons and submarines etc.) 1
ACTIONS Actions re. nuclear power 2
ANTI-NUCLEAR MOVEMENT Anti-Nuclear Movement (AKB) and environmental organizations 5
ARGENTINE country, capital Buenos Aires 1
ATOOMTERRORISME eg dirty bomb 1
AUSTRALIA country, capital Canberra 1
AWARD incl. Nominations / preparation; also for most-maligned 1
CANADA country (North) America, hoofdstad: Ottawa 1
CENSORSHIP including (attempts) to conceal or alter information 1
CONGRESS incl. workshops 3
COOPERATION between companies, governments or government bodies bedr.en 2
COST COMPARISON in cash and / or for profit 1
COSTS NUCLEAR ENERGY Atomic energy costs 1
CTBT comprehensive test ban treaty 2
DEPLETED URANIUM residual product of enrichment 1
DOE - USA Department of Energy, Department of Energy 2
EDUCATION regarding nuclear energy course 1
EMPLOYEES of Nucl. inst .; see also PERSONNEL; No health 1
ENERGY Energy - general 1
EU / EC European Union (previously European Economic Community) 3
FRANCE France 3
GERMANY Germany and former West Germany 4
GOVERNMENT State Directors (see parliament to parliament) 1
HARSHAW CHEMICAL USA. Company, enrichment, releases into environment 1
HEALTH POPULATION healtheffect on population of radioactivity 6
HIROSHIMA Hiroshima / Nagasaki (Japan), the first nuclear bombs 1
IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency Vienna 2
INDIA country in Asia 3