the Laka catalogue

Overview on author euratom

2022-05 Securing the European Supply of 19.75% Enriched Uranium Fuel. Proposed Options Euratom Supply Agency ESA uranium - enrichment
2019-05 Securing the European Supply of 19.75% enriched Uranium Fuel. A Revised Assessment Euratom Supply Agency, Euratom uranium - enrichment
2016-07 REPORT of the Advisory Committee to the Euratom Supply Agency on Securing the European Supply of 19.75% enriched Uranium Fuel Euratom Supply Agency, Euratom uranium - enrichment
2012-10 EURATOM Treaty Euratom international organisations - euratom
2009 EURATOM Supply Agency Annual Report 2008 Euratom, Euratom Supply Agency international organisations - euratom
2008 Euratom Supply Agency: Annual report 2007 Euratom, Euratom Supply Agency international organisations - euratom
2007-06 Euratom Supply Agency: Annual report 2006B Euratom, Euratom Supply Agency international organisations - euratom
2003 How current are Euratom provisions on nuclear supply and ownership in view of the EU's enlargement A.Bouquet, Euratom international organisations - euratom
2003 Annual Report 2002 Euratom international organisations - euratom
1998 Euratom Supply Agency - Annual Report 1997 Euratom, Euratom Supply Agency international organisations - euratom
1997 Euratom Supply Agency - Annual Report 1996 Euratom, Euratom Supply Agency international organisations - euratom
1996-05 AGREEMENT for cooperation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy between the European Atomic Energy Community and the United States of America Euratom, VS international organisations - euratom
1996-03 Overeenkomst tot samenwerking bij het vreedzaam gebruik van kernenergie tussen de Europese Gemeenschap voor Atoomenergie en de Verenigde Staten van Amerika - Protocol - Verklaring betreffende non-proliferatiebeleid Euratom, VS international organisations - euratom
1996 Euratom Supply Agency - Annual Report 1995 Euratom, Euratom Supply Agency international organisations - euratom
1993 The international law of nuclear energy Part 1 IAEA, NEA, EURATOM liability / insurance / legislation
1993 The international law of nuclear energy Part 2 IAEA, NEA, EURATOM liability / insurance / legislation
1990-02 De Kernindustrie in de gemeenschap PINC, Euratom international organisations - euratom
1988 Euratom Supply Agency - Annual Report 1987 Euratom, Euratom Supply Agency international organisations - euratom
1986 Euratom Supply Agency - Annual Report '85 Euratom, Euratom Supply Agency international organisations - euratom
1984 Euratom Supply Agency - Annual Report '83 Euratom, Euratom Supply Agency international organisations - euratom
1983 Euratom Supply Agency - Annual Report '82 Euratom, Euratom Supply Agency international organisations - euratom
1982 Euratom Supply Agency - Annual Report '81 Euratom, Euratom Supply Agency international organisations - euratom
1981 Euratom Supply Agency - Annual Report '80 Euratom, Euratom Supply Agency international organisations - euratom
1980 Euratom Supply Agency - Annual Report '79 Euratom, Euratom Supply Agency international organisations - euratom
1979 Euratom Supply Agency - Annual Report '78 Euratom, Euratom Supply Agency international organisations - euratom
1973* Rapport betreffende bestralingsfaciliteiten van het Radiobiologisch Laboratorium van het ITAL ITAL, Euratom, Oosterheert ital wageningen - general
1970 Kernenergiewet Euratom, J.H.Vergragt liability / insurance / legislation
1967-08 Annual Report 1966. Application of Atomic Energy in Agriculture ITAL, Euratom ital wageningen - general
1966-10 Grondbegrippen van de nucleaire technologie Euratom technical - general information
1965-06 Radioactieve isotopen en straling in industrie en techniek Euratom, Eurisotop applications radionuclides - other
1964-03 Dokumentatie bij het zevende algemeen verslag over de werkzaamheden enz. Euratom international organisations - euratom
1963-05 X-ray machine. Irridiation facilities of Euratom -ITAL ITAL, Euratom ital wageningen - general
1958-06 Report on the Position of Nuclear Industries in the Community Euratom international organisations - euratom
1958-06 Rapport inzake de toestand van de industrie op het gebied van de kernenergie in de gemeenschap Euratom international organisations - euratom
1957-05 A Target For Euratom Euratom, L.Armand, F.Etzel, F.Giordani international organisations - euratom
1957-03 Verdrag tot oprichting van de Europese Gemeenschap voor Atoomenergie Euratom international organisations - euratom
Algemene bepalingen en voorwaarden die van toepassing zijn op de leveringsovereenkomsten Euratom international organisations - euratom

*: Estimated date