the Laka catalogue

Overview on author ise

2021-04 Towards a clean and sustainable energy system: 26 criteria nuclear power does not meet J.Haverkamp, WISE, Heinrich Böll Stiftung general
2019-03 Nuclear Energy – the looming dependency on Rosatom in the EU J.Haverkamp, WISE International russia - export / rosatom
2018-11 Het klimaat rond kernenergie. Hebben we kernenergie nodig om klimaatverandering tegen te gaan? WISE Nederland np & greenhouse effect - nuclear power yes or no solution & scenarios
2014-11 Toekomstige kosten kerncentrale Borssele – Heeft Delta genoeg geld? H.Damveld, WISE Nederland borssele i - general
2014-05 Urenco's role in the nuclear fuel chain: Uranium mining and (in)transparency WISE, D.Bannink, Peter Diehl urenco/ucn almelo - general
2014-01 Nuclear Security in cauda venenum J.W.Storm van Leeuwen, WISE nuclear safety - general
2014 Radiating Africa. The menace of Uranium Mining. case studies on Cameroon, Mali and Tanzania WISE International, U.Lerche uranium - mining / production / stocks / prices
2013-10 Is het Borssele Convenant goed uitgevoerd? WISE, ZMF, Stroom Toekomst borssele i - general
2012-05 Management of spent fuel and radioactive waste: State of affairs: a worldwide Overview H.Damveld, D.Bannink, WISE waste - radioactive waste general
2011-09 Europa en de energievoorziening: Fossiele brandstoffen voor mens en klimaat (serie Europa in de praktijk) WISE, Ander Europa, H.vd Keur international organisations - e.e.c./european parliament / eu / ec general
2011-08 Strahlende Plakate: eine Sammlung von Plakaten de weltweiten Anti-Atom-Bewegung Laka, Wise, D.Bannink laka foundation
2011-08 Strahlende Plakate: eine Sammlung von Plakaten der weltweiten Anti-Atom-Bewegung Laka, wise, D.Bannink posters & graphics (art)
2011-06 L’Úranium d’Áfrique: Comment l’industrie et les gouvernements gèrent les impacts de l’exploitation minière d’uranium sur la sociéte et l’environnement SOMO, WISE uranium - mining / production / stocks / prices
2011-04 Radiating posters: A collection of posters from the global movement against nuclear power Laka, Wise, D.Bannink laka foundation
2011-04 Cartelles radiantes: una colección de carteles del Moviniento munial contra la energía nuclear: adjunto español a "Radiating posters" Laka, Wise, D.Bannink laka foundation
2011-04 Radiating posters: A collection of posters from the global movement against nuclear power Laka, wise, D.Bannink posters & graphics (art)
2011-03 Radioactive revenues: Financial flows between uranium mining companies and African governments SOMO, Wise, A.ten Kate uranium - mining / production / stocks / prices
2009-12 Serie Pensar la energía: La energía nuclear en sociedad del riesgo: apuntes para un análisis de sus implicaciones en el ámbito, politico y ambiental WISE, Inercia, H.Böll Foundation argentina - general
2009-09 Leukamie-Erkrankungen bei Kindern von Kernkraftwertken in 5 Ländern E.Greiser, Die Grünen radiation - around facilities
2009-09 Atomkraftwerke machen Kinder krank: Fragen und Antworten zum Krebsrisiko rund um Atomanlagen IPPNW, ausgestrahlt, Eisenberg radiation - around facilities
2008-03 Mined U. Financing of New Uranium Mines WISE, Profundo uranium - mining / production / stocks / prices
2007-04 Uraniumontginning Belgische kerncentrales, Impact op mens en milieu For Mother Earth, WISE belgium - general
2007-03 Nuclear power: Only problems no solutions WISE, Rijk, F.v Schaik general
2007-02 Underfeeding at Urenco`s Gronau uranium enrichment plant results in reasons for tails export to Russia becoming obsolate Peter Diehl, Wise uranium germany - gronau
2007 Posouzeni moznosti zvyseni urovne jaderne bezpecnosti na zamyslene dostavbe 3.a 4. bloku Jaderne elektrarny Mochove Greenpeace, Sirius, WISE slovakia - other facilities
2006 Chernobyl: Twenty Years – Twenty Lives Mads Eskesen, Wise chernobyl accident - consequences surroundings - general
2005-06 Unfair aid: The subsidies keeping Nuclear energy afloat WISE, Nirs, P. Ward costs
2005-03 Kernenergie?: Niet doen SNM, WISE, VMD, Greenpeace general
2005-02 Terug via de achterdeur: Kernenergie als oplossing voor klimaatverandering? P.Ward, Vries, WISE Amsterdam np & greenhouse effect - co2 reduction and climate change
2005-02 A Backdoor Comeback: Nuclear energy as a solution for climate change? P.Ward, WISE Amsterdam, NIRS np & greenhouse effect - co2 reduction and climate change
2005 No to Atucha II. Yes to clean energies. Taller Ecologistas, WISE, NIRS argentina - atucha 2
2005 Vuile stroom. Dure stroom. Kan kernenergie in een geliberaliseerde energiemarkt? WISE Amsterdam, Milieudefensie, P.Ward costs
2004-10 Die Lüge von der friedlichen Nutzung der Atomenergie: Atomwaffen und Atomkraftwerke: zwei Seiten einer Medaille: Folgesymposium F.Barnaby, X.Hall, WISE proliferation - general
2004-09 Joint Assessment: Plutonium Transports in France : Safety and Security Concerns over the FS47 Transportation Cask WISE Paris, Large & Associates transports - safety / technology (containers/ships/etc)
2004-06 Extension of Dutch Reprocessing. Upholding the Plutonium Industry on Dutch Society’s Expenses? WISE Paris, X.Coeytaux, Y.Marignac waste - reprocessing, contracts & discussions
2004 Economic Forecast Study of the Nuclear Power Option. Results of the “Charpin-Dessus-Pellat” Mission WISE Paris, Y.Marignac france - general
2004 No Atucha II – Si A Energias Limpias Taller Ecologistas, WISE, NIRS argentina - atucha 2
2004 Re-enrichment of West European Depleted Uranium Tails in Russia Peter Diehl, Ecodefense, WISE Uranium uranium - enrichment
2003-11 Stroom; basisrecht of handelswaar WISE Amsterdam international organisations - liberalisation
2003-11 European Nuclear Threats: Old and New Bankwatch, NIRS, WISE, Energy Club international organisations - eu accession eastern europe
2003-07 US MOX 'Lead Test Assembly' Controversy: Fabrication at Cadarach, France WISE Paris united states - mox
2003-06 The Unbearable Risk: Proliferation, terrorist threats and the plutonium industry EFA, WISE Paris nuclear terrorism - military attacks
2003-06 Euratom Loans. Supporting Safety Improvement in Eastern Europe WISE Amsterdam international organisations - euratom
2003* Acuerdo nuclear con Australia: preguntas frecuentes y respuestas completas WISE Rosario, Amigos de la Tierra Argentina, Greenpeace Argentina argentina - import
2003 Helen and Tom and the Nuclear Reactor Rina Piccolo, WISE, NIRS, Reseau Sortir du nucleaire comics / graphic novels
2003 Хелен і Том та Атомний реактор (Helen and Tom and the Nuclear Reactor) Rina Piccolo, WISE, NIRS, Reseau Sortir du nucleaire, Bankwatch comics / graphic novels
2003 ヘレンとトムと原子炉 (Helen and Tom and the Nuclear Reactor) Rina Piccolo, WISE, NIRS, Reseau Sortir du nucleaire comics / graphic novels
2002-12 International Terrorism: The Vulnerabilities and Protection of Nuclear Facilities WISE Paris, Large & Associates nuclear terrorism - selfmade bombs & radioactive contamination - general
2002-10 Radioactive materials transported by plane. The FedEx package incident C.Christesen, WISE Paris transports - safety / technology (containers/ships/etc)
2002-08 Acuerdo Nuclear con Australia: Preguntas frecuentes y Respuestas completas WISE Rosario, FOE, Greenpeace argentina - general
2002-07 Kan Borssele langer open blijven? WISE borssele i - general
2002-02 Jadrova energia. slepa ulicka WISE Amsterdam, NIRS general
2001-12 The threat of nuclear terrorism: from analysis to precautionary measures Mycle Schneider, WISE Paris nuclear terrorism - military attacks
2001-11 Possible toxic effects from nuclear reprocessing plants at Sellafield (UK) and Cap de la Hague (Fr). First contribution to scientific debate STOA, WISE Paris radiation - around facilities
2001-10 Airliner Crash on Nuclear Facilities. The Sellafield Case WISE Paris united kingdom - sellafield - general
2001-09 La Hague Particularly Exposed to Plane Crash Risk WISE Paris france - la hague - general
2001-09 La Hague Particularly Exposed to Plane Crash Risk WISE Paris nuclear terrorism - general
2001-05 Конец Атомной эры WISE Kailingrad, WISE Voronezh general
2000-12 The CEZUS Affair. A flaw in quality control of nuclear fuel tubes WISE Paris uranium - fuel fabrication
2000-11 Nuclear Energy, a dead end WISE, NIRS general
2000-11 Atomenergie - eine Sackgasse! WISE, NIRS general
2000-06 Plutonium Technology Facility at Cadarache WISE Paris france - mox (+ melox plant marcoule)
2000-05 Climate change and Nuclear Power WWF, Mycle Schneider, WISE Paris np & greenhouse effect - nuclear power yes or no solution & scenarios
2000-05 Climate change and Nuclear Power (Japanese edition) WWF, Mycle Schneider, WISE Paris np & greenhouse effect - nuclear power yes or no solution & scenarios
2000-05 Recyclage des matieres nucleaires, Mythes et realites WISE Paris, Mycle Schneider, Coeytaux plutonium - mox & possible re-use weapons pu / heu
2000 Der Fall Nikitin / The Nikitin Case Deiseroth, Goettling russia - alexandr nikitin
2000* Modelo Energetico, Consecuencias y Perspectivas P.Bertinat, WISE Rosario argentina - general
1999-02 Plutonium Investigation. Dossier on The Netherlands WISE Paris waste - reprocessing, contracts & discussions
1998-06 Agenda 2000: Will it increase nuclear safety in Eastern Europe? WISE Amsterdam nuclear safety - reactors - "assistance" to...(ebrd/nsa/tacis/phare etc.)
1998-02 Research and Development Expenditure on Nuclear Energy Issues in France 1960-1997 WISE Paris france - general
1997-10 The Dutch Plutonium Dead End M.Pavageau, Mycle Schneider, WISE Paris waste - reprocessing, contracts & discussions
1997-04 The MOX myth. Risks and dangers of the use of Mixed Oxide Fuel WISE, D.Bannink, J.Boer, L.Pam plutonium - mox & possible re-use weapons pu / heu
1997-04 La France nucléaire; matières et sites 1997 Mary D.Davis, WISE Paris france - general
1997-03 NGO's against Nuclear Technology, 2nd Meeting Luneburg Göttinger Gegenzug, WISE international resistance - general
1997-01 The Rubbia TABS, Solutions or Illusions? A Critical Analysis of Prof. Rubbia's Thorium Accelerator Based System (TABS) Concept WISE Paris, M.Pavageau, Mycle Schneider thorium cycle - reactor types (e.g. rubbia)
1996-12 Australian Uranium and the French Nuclear Weapons Program WISE Paris australia - export
1996-07 Beyond the bomb? TNI, WISE, H.Jaspers, J.Boer, D.Bannink proliferation - non proliferation treaty - review conferences
1996-06 Marshall Islands 1946 - 1996 WISE Amsterdam, D.Bannink pacific - us testing area
1996-04 Chernobyl: Ten years of disaster. Possibility and necessity of phase-out of Chernobyl WISE Nuclear Monitor ukraine - general
1996-02 Radiation risk perception and risk communication in Sweden. Rhizikon Risk Research Report 25 Marie-Louise Bernström nuclear safety - risk analyses / risk perception
1996 Estructura Energética P.Bertinat, WISE Rosario argentina - general
1996 La Energia nuclear en el mundo WISE Rosario importance worldwide
1996 Facts and Figures on Plutonium Separation and MOX Use Pavageau, WISE Paris plutonium - mox & possible re-use weapons pu / heu
1995-11 De Bom Voorbij? Verlenging van het NPV en de toekomst van de kernbewapening TNI, WISE, KU Nijmegen, J.Boer, H.Jaspers, D.Bannink proliferation - non proliferation treaty - review conferences
1995-09 Japanese Plutonium and French Nuclear Weapons Program WISE Paris, Pavageau, Mycle Schneider france - la hague - contracts
1995-09 Uraniummining in Europe. Impacts on Man and Environment Peter Diehl, WISE uranium - mining / production / stocks / prices
1995-08 Le Plutonium Belge et le Programme d'Armement Nucleaire Francais WISE Paris, Mycle Schneider belgium - general
1995-08 Canadian Uranium and the French Nuclear Weapons Program WISE Paris, Mycle Schneider canada - general
1995-05 De oppervlakteberging van laag-radioaktief afval: afvalcategorieën, bergingsopties, etc WISE Paris, Richardson, Weijns belgium - waste
1995-04 Kernwapenverspreiding onder controle? Geschiedenis en betekenis van het NPV J.Boer, TNI, WISE proliferation - non proliferation treaty - general
1994 Annual report 1993 WISE international resistance - wise
1993-06 Le MOX ou L'Aberration Au Plutonium. Réflexions sur un projet de l'industrie nucléaire belge Mycle Schneider, WISE-Paris plutonium - mox & possible re-use weapons pu / heu
1993-03 Environmental Racism and Nuclear Development WISE atomic state - general
1992-05 World Nuclear industry Status Report 1992 WISE Paris, Greenpeace importance worldwide
1991* SOS Allicht, Cultural Express, WISE chernobyl accident - consequences surroundings - general
1991* Strijd tegen het broeikas. Geen rol voor kernenergie J.K.Legett, P.M.Kelly, WISE np & greenhouse effect - nuclear power yes or no solution & scenarios
1990-04 Naval Safety 1989: The year of the accident Handler, Wickenheiser, Arkin miscellaneous - nuclear power at sea - accidents other
1989-11 An Assesment of nuclear power as an energy technology for the prevention of climate change I.Tellam, WISE np & greenhouse effect - nuclear power yes or no solution & scenarios
1989-10 De milieubeweging in Tsjechoslowakije WISE czechoslovakia - general
1988-11 El radón en las viviendas WISE radiation - natural radioactivity / radon
1988-07 Aciddente en la central nuclear de Vandellos II WISE spain - vandellos
1987-05 Radiation & Health conference 21/25-5 WISE, VMD radiation - standards
1987-02 El reactor nuclear de Vandellos-1.... WISE spain - vandellos
1986-09 Studiemap strategische grondstoffen WISE, Raad van Kerken uranium - mining / production / stocks / prices
1986-05 Tchernobyl: Information et mesures en France et en RFA WISE Paris chernobyl accident - consequences europe - general
1986* Nuclear Weapons and Nuclear Generated Electricity in France WISE Paris france - general
1986 Electricity and warheads. A guide to the French Nuclear Industry Mary D.Davis, WISE Paris france - general
1986* El Proyecto Nucleoelectrico Mexicano WISE mexico
1986 Nuclear power in crisis Äsa Moberg, WISE importance worldwide
1986 Crepuscule des Atoms Louis Puiseux nuclear safety - general
1986 Compilation of articles on nuclear waste from 01/85-03/86 Wise waste - radioactive waste general
1985-07 Ascó a peu coix WISE Tarragona spain - asco
1985-05 Campaigns on the NPV-review WISE, Disarmament Campaign proliferation - non proliferation treaty - review conferences
1984-05 Electricity costs in France, EDF becomes a burden for France WISE, H.Damveld, Lenoir, Orfeuil france - general
1984 WISE International list of organizations in the anti-nuclear and safe energy movement 1984 WISE international resistance - general
1983 Kernachtige periodieken WISE, F.Schopenhauer, R.Knoppers miscellaneous - reviews (books / brochures / radio)
1982 Nuclear Fix. Kernenergie in de Derde Wereld WISE, De la Court importance worldwide
1981-11 WISE International list WISE Washington international resistance - general
1981-10 The nuclear Fix (engels) WISE, De La Court importance worldwide
1981-08 Energy & development: case of nuclear power in "Third" world WISE importance worldwide
1980* Centrali Nucleari Rischi e Danni alla salute E. Tiezzi, WISE italy - general
1980 Nuclear energy and the third world WISE importance worldwide
1979-04 The zirconium connection D.M.Pisello nuclear safety - reactors - general
1978 Dal militare al solare WISE Verona, SPIE italy - general
1978 Operation Uranium Ship Eisenberg, Landau, Portugali novels & poetry
Het uraniumschip Eisenberg israel - general
Nuclear energy questions ISE general

*: Estimated date