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Future Supply of Medical Radioisotopes for the UK Report 2014

AuteurBritish Nuclear Medicine Society, Science & Technology Facilities Council
Datumnovember 2014

Uit de publicatie:

Future Supply of Medical Radioisotopes for the UK Report 2014
Report prepared by:
British Nuclear Medicine Society and
Science & Technology Facilities Council.
December 2014

Technetium-99m (99mTc) is the principal radioisotope used in medical 
diagnostics worldwide. Current estimates are that 99mTc is used in 30 
million procedures per year globally and accounts for 80 to 85% of all 
diagnostic investigations using Nuclear Medicine techniques. Its 6-hour 
physical half-life and the 140 keV photopeak makes it ideally suited to 
medical imaging using conventional gamma cameras. 99mTc is derived from 
its parent element molybdenum-99 (99Mo) that has a physical half-life 
of 66 hours. At present 99Mo is derived almost exclusively from the 
fission of uranium-235 targets (using primarily highly-enriched uranium) 
irradiated in a small number of research nuclear reactors.
A global shortage of 99Mo in 2008/09 exposed vulnerabilities in the 
supply chain of medical radioisotopes. In response, and at the request 
of member states, the Organization of Economic Co-operation and 
Development (OECD) Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) assembled a response 
team and in April 2009 formed a High-Level Group on the security of 
supply of Medical Radioisotopes (HLG-MR). The HLG-MR terms of 
reference are: to review the total 99Mo supply chain from uranium 
procurement for targets to patient delivery; to identify weak 
points and issues in the supply chain in the short, medium and 
long-term; to recommend options to address vulnerabilities to 
help ensure stable and secure supply of radioisotopes.