
Overexposure to Radiographer’s Assistant

On April 16, 2012, the licensee radiographer’s assistant informed the licensee Radiation Safety Officer that his pocket dosimeter had gone off scale 10 days prior. The licensee sent the radiographer’s permanent badge for processing and the result was a 250 mSv (25 rem) whole body dose reading. The State of Florida was informed of the dose on April 24, and has verified the dose. The State of Florida continues its investigation.

Update 8/15/2012: The radiographer assistant’s film badge was sent for processing. Results revealed a 244 mSv (24.4 rem) whole body dose, which brought his annual dose to 248 mSv (24.8 rem). The direct cause of the incident was the failure to follow radiation safety procedures. The dose information in the final rating has been updated. It was determined that the rating is still INES Level 2. NRC EN47860.

Location: Tampa, Florida/Renegade Testing & Inspection, INC.
Event date: Fri, 06-04-2012
Nuclear event report
Legenda & explanation