text in English: Arnhem September 26. Demonstration to the 'Arnhem institutions'. Shut nuclear reactors now!

background: It was planned to be the conclusive demonstration after a week long blockades at the Dodewaard reactor. The blockades however had been ended on Tuesday, due to police violence and under threat of a rightwing mob.
Very surprisingly the demonstration in Arnhem at the end of the week on the Saturday became very huge. More than 40.000 people joined the protest against nuclear power but also in disgust about the events at Dodewaard. At the time this was one of the largest demonstrations ever in the Netherlands.
The 'Arnhem Institutions' is the common name for several intertwining organizations involved in promoting nuclear power, including the GKN and the SEP, the owner and operator of the Dodewaard reactor.

city: Nijmegen
country: The Netherlands
date & year:  September 1981
produced by: Dodewaard gaat dicht secretariaat