text in English: Dodewaard Day. Nov. 14. Talking together about Dodewaard. What happened and what do we have to do with that.

background: As a result of the repression and violence many groups and people were in disarray. In Nijmegen meetings were organized which in the beginning had an almost therapeutic effect. But, as almost everything, it was analyzed politically. Groups started to investigate the events and one of the results was the publication (in January 1982) of a brochure entitled “De AKB en opkomend fascisme” (The movement against nuclear power and the rise of fascism), which analyzed the events, backgrounds and people and organizations linked with ultra right and/or fascists parties involved in the Dodewaard –mob. Another publication as a result was (in May 1982) a strategy paper on how to continue the struggle against nuclear power.

city: Nijmegen
country: The Netherlands
date & year:  November 1981
produced by: Nijmeegs overleg Dodewaard gaat dicht!