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Italy should not dismiss nuclear energy, according to Prime Minister 19-01-2005 WNAN ELECTRICITY IMPORTATION NUCLEAR ELECTRICITY ITALY POLICY REFERENDUM GOVERNMENT CLOSURE
Lithuania should construct a third nuclear power plant in order to retain that t 05-10-2005 WNAN CONSTRUCTION NUCLEAR POWER PLANT IGNALINA LITOUWEN POLICY CLOSURE
Lithuania wants the closure of the Ignalina-2 nuclear power reactor Ux Weekly, 9 January 05-01-2006 WNAN CONSTRUCTION NUCLEAR POWER PLANT EU / EC IGNALINA LITOUWEN POLICY CLOSURE TREATIES
The government will pay SKr5.6 billion (US$689 million) to compensate Platts Nuclear News Flashes, 10 November 09-11-2005 WNAN BARSEBÄCK, SWEDEN COSTS NUCLEAR ENERGY POLICY CLOSURE VATTENFALL SWEDEN
Plans for a centralized interim storage facility to be constructed NucNet News, 134/06, 26 June 21-06-2006 WNAN WASTE GENERAL LOCATION NEW NUCLEAR FACILITY START UP POLICY SPAIN VANDELLOS, SPANJE VITRIFICATION
The Socialist government has not yet established a definitive schedule Ux Weekly, 5 June 01-06-2006 WNAN PHASE-OUT POLICY CLOSURE SPAIN ZORITA