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E.On's Stade nuclear power plant will be shut down in November 2003 25-06-2003 WNAN GERMANY E-ON COSTS NUCLEAR ENERGY DECOMMISSIONING STADE, GERMANY
German compromise on reactor shut-down NucNet news # 328/02, Nucleonics Week 17/10/02 01-12-2002 WNAN GERMANY E-ON ENBW OBRIGHEIM, GERMANY OPINION -POLITICAL PARTIES PHASE-OUT RWE-RHEIN.WESTF.EL. CLOSURE STADE, GERMANY
Germany'soldest operating nuclear power plant, Stade 05-11-2003 WNAN GERMANY CLOSURE STADE, GERMANY
Germany: a plan to close the 640 MWe Stade PWR 25-07-2001 WNAN GERMANY E-ON PHASE-OUT CLOSURE STADE, GERMANY
Germany: utility E.On has whitdraw its application for an interim storage facili 22-08-2001 WNAN ON SITE WASTE STORAGE GERMANY E-ON STADE, GERMANY
The Stade nuclear power plant was permanently shut down 12-11-2003 WNAN GERMANY OBRIGHEIM, GERMANY DECOMMISSIONING PHASE-OUT CLOSURE STADE, GERMANY