Adder tags

tag description no. of articles
NUCLEAR ENERGY very general 1
INSPECTIONS to health safety. See safeguards for proliferation 1
TECHNETIUM Technetium 1
CLEANUP SITES Remediation and restoration (no dismantling facilities) 1
EDUCATION regarding nuclear energy course 1
DECOMMISSIONING reactor decommissioning; incl. nuclear weapons 1
RADIOACTIVITY GENERAL Radioactivity - general 1
CONTAMINATION Radioactive contamination 3
NUCLEAR MEDICINE Production and uses medical isotopes; incl. X 1
OLKILUOTO, FINLAND planned waste reactor location and location 1
OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH occupational health and safety in production and use of radioactive material 7
LOVIISA, FINLAND Loviisa, Finland 1
INES International Nuclear Event Scale (content) 1
IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency Vienna 2
LEGISLATION international (or national) legislation on nuclear energy 3
CONGRESS incl. workshops 3
TRITIUM incl. OBT (organically-bound tritium) 1
RESEARCH INSTITUTEN In the broad sense of the word 5
HEALTH POPULATION healtheffect on population of radioactivity 3
UNITED KINGDOM Great Britain and Northern Ireland 1
FRANCE France 2
TVO Finnish electricity producer 1
FINLAND Finland 1
EU / EC European Union (previously European Economic Community) 5
MACEDONIE country, former Yugoslavia 1
SPAIN country in Europe 1
ITALY country in Europe 1
LITOUWEN country (part of Soviet Union till 1-9-1991) 1
RADIOACTIVE SCRAP METAL contaminated metal, finds and (discussion) reuse 1