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tag description no. of articles
EUROPE Continent 3
KOODANKULAM India, where 2 PWreactoren 1
TIANWAN VVER reactor: Jiangsu, China 1
QINSHAN, CHINA PWR / PHWR reactor: Zhejiang, China 2
CNNC China National Nuclear Corporation; China 1
KHMELNITSKI, SU Khmelnitski, SU, but nowadays Ukraine 11
AKKUYU, TURKEY location possible nuclear power plant (in the Mediterranean) 11
TURKEY POINT, USA Turkey Point, Florida, USA 2
COST COMPARISON in cash and / or for profit 8
SLOVAKIA country, formerly part of Czechoslovakia 11
FINANCING being no subsidy; also related to KE / Nuclear Weapons 23
CIGAR LAKE Cigar Lake; uranium mining, Canada 1
INDUSTRIAL USE industrial uses radio-active sources 1
SASKATCHEWAN Saskatchewan, Canada (uranium mining) 5
RINGHALS Ringhals, Sweden 2
TVEL State-owned Russian Federation (fuel fabr / U prod.etc) 1
LOS ALAMOS, NM, USA Los Alamos, New Mexico, USA 4
WOOMERA Location storing low-level radioactive waste, Australia 1
UNDERGROUND WASTE DISPOSAL (Introduced on 3.13.04; WASTE ALG was without WASTE ON SITE S) 11
IMPORTATION NUCLEAR ELECTRICITY import and export nuclear power internationally 12
POLAND country in Europe 5
AMERICA continent, see for country: USA 2
ASIA continent 1
FLAMANVILLE EPR, FRANCE location future EPR; France 15
SAFEGUARDS Check new treaty IAEA against military use civilian nucl.mat 4
SOUTH KOREA country 10
IRAN country in Middle East 25
IPPNW International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War 16