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tag description no. of articles
SIERRA NUCLEAR, VS company, C-24 transport containers builds 2
SINOP, TURKIJE possible location (at Black Sea) for possible kc. 3
SITE SELECTION PROCEDURE participation and procedures (not only at nuclear power plants!) 40
SIZEWELL, GB location 3 reactors (Magnox 2 & 1 PWR) 3
SKAGIT, USA Skagit, Washington, USA 1
SKB Swedish nuclear fuel and waste management company 1
SKI -INSPECTION Statens Kärnkraft Inspectorate, Sweden 6
SKULL VALLEY location US; See PFS 3
SLEBOS, HENK Dutchman and middleman in the network of Khan 1
SLOVAKIA country, formerly part of Czechoslovakia 4
SLOWENIA country, part of former Yugoslavia 2
SNL SANDIA NAT.LAB. Sandia National Laboratories, USA 2
SOCIAL ASPECTS including human error, soc.- and geestel. emp unrest. 7
SODIUM Sodium 1
SOSNOVY BOR Nuclear power plant at Leningrad (St. Petersburg), Russia 5
SOULAINES-DHUYS site waste storage, France; Following the full CSM 1
SOUTH AFRICA country in Africa 13
SOUTH KOREA country 9
SOUTH TEXAS, USA South Texas, USA 45
SPACE REACTORS Nuclear reactors / batteries in satellites. 3
SPAIN country in Europe 6
SPREADING (HOW) RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS WAY radioactive material spreads 1
SPRINGFIELDS, GB Springfields, GB 1
SSI - RADIATION INSTITUTE Statens Strålskyddsinstitut, Sweden 2
ST.LUCY St. Lucy, USA 5
STADE, GERMANY location 1 PWR reactor 2
START UP putting into use 113
STONE & WEBSTER ENGINEER. S & W Engineering Corporation: USA: clouded by KEDO deal 1
STRONTIUM all Isotopes 6