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tag description no. of articles
REVIEWS about books, reports and films about nuclear energy. 7
RETRIEVABILITY accessible keep waste in underground storage 6
CHERNOBYL -DISASTER accident (26-4-1986) and effects in reactor 4 26
ACTIONS Actions re. nuclear power 894
ANF, LINGEN Advanced Nuclear Fuel, splijststofstavenfabriek 1
TACTICS / STRATEGY AKB strategy and tactics 143
ALKEM Alkem, Hanau 2
AMERICIUM All isotopes 9
CESIUM All isotopes 10
COBALT All isotopes 4
STRONTIUM all Isotopes 3
RUTHENIUM All isotopes; discharged into the sea as gas (RuO4) in reprocessing 1
CRYPTON all radioactive isotopes; eg. Kr-85 6
THYSSEN SCHACHTBAU GMBH along with Deilman Haniel owner of AG Real Scha Gorleben 1
FUEL FABRICATION Also deliveries to power plants 21
MURUROA also Fangataufa: Pacific islands; where French nuclear tests 2
HISTORY OF NUCLEAR Also installations, countries etc. 48
RADIATION MEASUREMENTS also measured transgression norm but see standard height: STR.NORM 75
RADIOACTIVE FOOD Also radioactively contaminated animals and plants 18
SAFETY EARTHQUAKES Also volcanism and risks of earthquakes 17
ALSTHOM Alsthom, Paris 1
REFUELLING Annual change of fuel 9
ANTI-NUCLEAR MOVEMENT Anti-Nuclear Movement (AKB) and environmental organizations 466
ARMENIA, SU Armenia, SU 1
ADRESSEN article or list of addresses 1
ABB Asea Brown Boveri, created after merger ASEA and BBC 3
AECL Atomic Energy Canada Limited, Ottawa, Ontario 2
COSTS NUCLEAR ENERGY Atomic energy costs 152
ALP Australian Labor Party 2