Adder tags

tag description no. of articles
COGEMA Cogema (Compagnie Generale des matières nucléaires) 18
LABOUR POLICY company policies regarding personel as well as wider 6
CTBT comprehensive test ban treaty 2
RADIOACTIVE SCRAP METAL contaminated metal, finds and (discussion) reuse 4
BODEM VERVUILING contents of this keyword is to Lozingen-bodem 4
HEALTH see: HEALTH POPULATION contents of this keyword is to population health 7
ASIA continent 23
EUROPE Continent 4
URANIUM OXYDE conversion to UO2 1
SOUTH KOREA country 28
CANADA country (North) America, hoofdstad: Ottawa 4
UKRAINE country (part of Soviet Union till 1-9-1991) 1
KAZAKHSTAN country (part of Soviet Union till 1-9-1991) 7
NAMIBIE country in Africa 1
SOUTH AFRICA country in Africa 2
JAPAN country in Asia 1043
INDIA country in Asia 9
PAKISTAN country in Asia 4
MALAYSIA country in Asia 4
VIETNAM country in Asia 5
INDONESIA country in Asia 20
CHINA country in Asia 25
TAIWAN country in Asia 18
PHILIPPINES country in Asia 1
NORTH KOREA Country in Asia (DPRK: Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea) 12
THAILAND (SIAM) country in Asia, was formerly called Siam 6
TURKEY country in Europe 1
SWEDEN country in Europe 1
AUSTRIA country in Europe 2
SWITZERLAND country in Europe 1