Adder tags

tag description no. of articles
GOVERNMENT State Directors (see parliament to parliament) 23
POLICE Police action 3
SITE SELECTION PROCEDURE participation and procedures (not only at nuclear power plants!) 8
PENLY, FRANCE Penly, France 3
FRAMATOME Framatome Courbevoie 2
DIMONA israel: location secret nuclear weapons production 1
ISRAEL country in Middle East 2
NPT Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (international) 3
VANUNU scientist who announced details of Dimona in 1986 2
HEARINGS hearings and public participation via Internet 3
KHMELNITSKI, SU Khmelnitski, SU, but nowadays Ukraine 1
GASUNIE NV Gasunie NV Dutch Groningen 1
SHELL, ROYAL ... Royal Shell, Dutch-British consortium 1
LIABILITY Legislation: countries, companies, accidents 8
ACTIONS Actions re. nuclear power 68
PARLIAMENT Decision position in discussion / of .... 5
NUCLEAR LOBBY Pro-nuclear campaign 12
MUHLEBERG location Switzerland, 1 BWR reactor 1
EMF Electromagnetic radiation / field 2
IMPORTATION NUCLEAR ELECTRICITY import and export nuclear power internationally 7
LEGAL legal procedings (eg. by or against anti-nuclear movement) 18
EMPLOYEES of Nucl. inst .; see also PERSONNEL; No health 13
UNITED KINGDOM Great Britain and Northern Ireland 10
SELLAFIELD location reprocessing plants, see: THORP Drigg 4
SAFETY EARTHQUAKES Also volcanism and risks of earthquakes 5
AMERICIUM All isotopes 1
FOE Friends of the Earth, int. environmental organization (1969-) 5
NUCLEAR WEAPONS TESTING explosions of nuclear weapons 11