Publication Laka-library:
Radiation-Induced Cancer from Low-Dose Exposure: An Independent Analysis

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Radiation-Induced Cancer from Low-Dose Exposure: 
An Independent Analysis 


The author begins this analysis with an established track-record of correct
research, analysis, and forecasting -- both in this field and in his
earlier work. (Bio [1] follows table of contents [2].) 

Within this new book, he shows readers exactly how one arrives at the
following conclusions: 

 1 -- There is no safe dose or dose-rate of ionizing radiation [3] with
respect to induction of human cancer. This is proven beyond any reasonable
doubt by his combination of human epidemiological data with "track
analysis," which reveals how studies at tissue-doses well above zero can
nonetheless be studies of the lowest conceivable doses and dose-rates at
the level of the cell-nuclei. 

 2 -- It would be impossible for low total doses of ionizing radiation,
received slowly from routine occupational or environmental sources, to be
less carcinogenic than the same total doses received acutely. 

 3 -- There is no support for speculations about any net health benefits
from exposure to low-dose ionizing radiation -- in any of the literature
cited by proponents of such speculations. The author wishes there were a
net benefit, but cannot ignore the overwhelming human evidence of net

 4 -- There is very strong support in the direct human evidence for
recognizing that the cancer-risk is probably _more_ severe per dose-unit at
low doses than at moderate and high doses. 

 5 -- The cancer risk-estimates for acute-low and for slow-low exposures,
provided in reports by the quasi-official radiation committees, are still
seriously too low -- even though the committees have recently raised some
of their estimates by 3-to-15 times. 

 6 -- Ionizing radiation may even turn out to be the _most_ important
single carcinogen to which large numbers of humans are actually exposed. 

 7 -- Proposals to exclude slow-low population exposures from risk-benefit
analyses, and to exclude a large share of radioactive waste from any
regulation at all, are based on two mistakes: (A) The erroneous idea that
there may be some safe dose or dose-rate, and (B) the large underestimates
of the magnitude of the risk from slow-low doses. 

 8 -- Future insights in this field are imperiled by the practice of
retroactively altering the key database, and of accepting unverifiable data
and analyses from nations with world-class records of distorting truth in
the service of policy. 

 9 -- The handling of the low-dose radiation issue, both scientifically and
socially, can be watched as the "canary" with respect to additional toxic
agents -- whose _aggregate_ impact on human health may become enormous.


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