
Titel Auteur Datum Tijdschrift  categoriëen / verklein selectie
A 40-year licence renewal for the dry-cask independent spent fuel storage 08-12-2004 WNAN AFVAL DROGE INTERIM NRC SURRY, USA VERGUNNINGEN VS
A 40-year licence renewal for the dry-cask independent spent fuel storage 31-03-2005 WNAN AFVAL DROGE INTERIM H.B.ROBINSON, USA NRC SURRY, USA VERGUNNINGEN VS
An application to extend the operating licences of Dominion's Surry-1 and -2 09-05-2002 WNAN LEVENSDUURVERLENGING NRC SURRY, USA VERGUNNINGEN VS
Dominion signs conatract to replace heads at all four Virginia units Gregory Twachtman 19-09-2002 NUWE MITSUBISHI NORTH ANNA, USA ONDERHOUD EN REPARATIE SURRY, USA VEILIGHEID REACTOR VERGUNNINGEN VS WESTINGHOUSE
NRC extends life of more reactors Ux Weekly 12/5/03; NucNet news #160/03; NEI Nuclear Energy.. 01-06-2003 WNA ELEKTRICITEITSPRIJS LEVENSDUURVERLENGING NORTH ANNA, USA NRC PEACH BOTTOM, USA SURRY, USA VERGUNNINGEN VS
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has issued its final NRC, 17 February 15-02-2006 WNAN CLINTON, USA NRC VERGUNNINGEN VS
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has renewed the licence 02-03-2005 WNAN AFVAL DROGE INTERIM NRC SURRY, USA VERGUNNINGEN VS
The operating licences for Dominion's North Anna and Surry 19-03-2003 WNAN LEVENSDUURVERLENGING NORTH ANNA, USA NRC SURRY, USA VERGUNNINGEN VS
Virginia: Virginia Power has announced that it will probably seek five-year lice 28-02-1994 NM LEVENSDUURVERLENGING NORTH ANNA, USA SURRY, USA VERGUNNINGEN VIRGIN.POWER'S SURRY VS