
Titel Auteur Datum Tijdschrift  categoriëen / verklein selectie
North Korea claims to have begun reprocessing 8000 spent fuel rods 16-04-2003 WNAN KERNWAPENS NOORD KOREA OPWERKING PLUTONIUM YONGBYON (NOORD KOREA)
Russia approved a treaty to turn weapons-grade plutonium 09-05-2001 WNAN KERNWAPENS KOSTEN KERNENERGIE PLUTONIUM PLUTONIUM OPSLAG RUSLAND VS
The USA and Russia have signed an agreement aimed at converting 13-09-2006 WNAN KERNWAPENS MOX PLUTONIUM RUSLAND VERDRAGEN VS
US: president Bush is excepted to drop plans 22-08-2001 WNAN KERNWAPENS PLUTONIUM VS