text in English: We will close Dodewaard with our giro deposit slip

background: A very different way to try to close the reactor than blocking it, was this action. It is based on a popular action against Kalkar when everybody had to pay 3% tax on it’s electricity bill to finance the Dutch involvement in construction of the fast breeder reactor. Many people decided not to pay the levy. This action against Dodewaard is not about paying less (although many people did), but about paying in a difficult manner. There were many ways to do so: most people simply did not use the enclosed payment slip, but used another one. Other people paid the amount not in one time but in two (or more) separate payments, etc. So without doing anything wrong the consumers made it very clear to the operators that they didn’t want nuclear power. For the operators it was a very costly affair, because the payments could not be handled automatically and had to be handled by hand. Many thousands of people paid their electricity bills that way each month.

city: Utrecht
country: The Netherlands
date & year:  1981
produced by: Aktie Strohalm