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NederlandsSupport the Laka foundation
…or transfer your donation!
To Stichting Laka, Amsterdam, the Netherlands: IBAN NL54 TRIO 0390 9021 79
You can also grant Laka permission to withdraw a donation from your IBAN-bank-account (EU only!): Fill out this form and send it to us! Don't hesitate to contact us if you have questions.
Laka's mission is a world free of nuclear power, with a just division of power, energy, knowledge, resources, and space; A world built on cooperation and collectivism, not on competition or hierarchy.
Present for new supporters
If you support us for €7,50 or more per month, you will receive 'Radiating Posters - A collection of posters from the global movement against nuclear power'. In it you'll find 192 pages with over 600 posters from over 45 countries, with a lot of attention to artwork from countries outside of Europe. Read more information about Radiating Posters here (postage paid for in the Netherlands).