Radiating Posters
A collection of posters from the global movement against nuclear power
Nieuw boek: Posters met uitstraling
'Radiating Posters'; a collection of posters from the global movement against nuclear power', uitgegeven door Laka, is online verkrijgbaar.Dit 192 pagina's tellende boek bevat een selectie van de in vele jaren opgebouwde posterverzameling van Laka. In totaal zijn ruim 600 affiches uit 45 landen afgebeeld. Extra aandacht is besteed aan affiches landen buiten West-Europa.
Het verzamelwerk kost 20 euro (plus verzendkosten) en kan besteld worden via een mail naar info@laka.org. Bij bestelling van vijf exemplaren of meer krijgt u een korting van €8 per exemplaar.
"De Toren van Babel van Pieter Brueghel is in veel talen en landen hét symbool om de nucleaire apocalyps te verbeelden"
Lees de recensie in het NRC Handelbslad van Hubert Smeets van 14 oktober 2011.'Radiating posters' is a compilation of the large cultural heritage of 40 years of global struggle against nuclear energy. The full-color book shows more than 600 posters (from 1970-2010) from 45 countries from all over the world.
'Radiating posters' shows the rich history of the anti-nuclear movement and spreads the ever-necesarry anti-nuclear message.
Never before such a large collection of anti-nuclear posters was brought together, or, for that matter, of any other societal issue, of so many countries, cultures and of such a long period.
This book truly is an homage to the richness of the cultural heritage of the anti-nuclear power movement and could be a source of inspiration for anyone deciding to design a poster.
'Radiating posters' is published by the Laka Foundation.
The book is in English language. A German version (Strahlende Plakate) is published since July 2011, and a Russian version is negotiated. A spanish supplement (Carteles Radiantes) is available too.
The book is available for 20 euro plus shipping costs.
Order the book by sending an email to info@laka.org
Order 5 copies or more and get a 8 euro discount: pay 12 euro in stead of 20!
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