Tag archieven: EdF
Reblog of Kees van der Leun:
Reblog via Kees van der Leun
17 years - instead of the promised 4.5 years - after start of construction, Flamanville-3 should start generating electricity this year. To be taken offline again in 2026, for replacing its faulty reactor cover.
#nuclear #NuclearPower #nuclearenergy
France to produce tritium for nuclear weapons in EDF civilian nuclear reactors
Uranium uit Rusland op weg naar Rotterdam, mogelijke bestemming: Almelo
We houden het in de gaten.
AFP: France eyes spent uranium plant to bypass Russia
The only plant in the world that currently converts reprocessed uranium for use in nuclear power plants is in Russia.
"The option of carrying out an industrial project to convert reprocessed uranium in France is being seriously examined," the French industry and energy ministry told AFP late Thursday.
"The associated conditions are still being studied," the ministry said.
The announcement came after French daily Le Monde said that state-owned power utility EDF had no immediate plans to halt uranium trade with Russia, as Moscow's war against Ukraine stretches into its third year.
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Milieuorganisaties in Rusland, Duitsland en Nederland verwerpen leveringen vanuit Rusland naar Almelo
Een alliantie van milieuorganisaties uit Nederland, Rusland en Duitsland bekritiseert nu deze deal en de ontbrekende Europese sancties op de handel in nucleair materiaal met Rusland. Lees hier het Engelse persbericht. Lees verder
Despite “commitments”, Urenco Almelo continues to enrich Russian uranium
transport of up to six shipments of fissile enriched uranium from Russia to Urenco in Almelo. This is remarkable because after the Russian invasion, almost two years ago, the uranium-enriching state-owned company in Almelo claimed to be "very concerned" about developments in Ukraine and therefore "stopped all contracts" with Russia.
Local newspaper Tubantia now reports that Urenco is enriching uranium from Russia for "a French nuclear power plant operator." It would, according to a Urenco spokesperson, be a breach of contract not to do so. Continue reading
Ondanks toezeggingen blijft Urenco Almelo Russisch uranium verrijken
Tubantia bericht nu dat Urenco het uranium uit Rusland verrijkt voor een "een Franse exploitant van kerncentrales". Het zou, volgens een woordvoerder van Urenco, contractbreuk zijn om dit niet te doen. Lees verder
Mail de bouwers: stop de kerncentrales!
Ga naar de website van WISE om de CEO’s te mailen. Het onderzoek van deze drie bedrijven is één van de eerste stappen om uiteindelijk kerncentrales te bouwen. Als we nu massaal duidelijk maken dat die kerncentrales niet welkom zijn, besparen we iedereen een hoop ellende.
Eerst moet de regering maar eens met een oplossing komen voor de eindberging voor kernafval, voordat ze dat probleem nóg groter maken.
Hinkley Point C could be delayed to 2031 and cost up to £35bn, says EDF
[The Guardian]:
The owner of Hinkley Point C has blamed inflation, Covid and Brexit as it announced the nuclear power plant project could be delayed by a further four years, and cost £2.3bn more.
The plant in Somerset, which has been under construction since 2016, is now expected to be finished by 2031 and cost up to £35bn, France’s EDF said. However, the cost will be far higher once inflation is taken into account, because EDF is using 2015 prices.
The latest in a series of setbacks represents a huge delay to the project’s initial timescale. In 2007, the then EDF chief executive Vincent de Rivaz said that by Christmas in 2017, turkeys would be cooked using electricity generated from atomic power at Hinkley. When the project was finally given the green light in 2016, its cost was estimated at £18bn."