Support Laka and support the struggle against the nuclear industry!

Laka analyzes, informs and acts but we need your support to keep on doing so! Only through your support we are able to continue disseminating critical information about the nuclear industry, to act upon it, and to support others in their struggle!

Support us through the Internet…

NederlandsSupport the Laka foundation

Make a donation to the Laka Foundation: Recurring one-off
Payment method
Select your Dutch bank:
Amount: €10 €20 €50 other : €
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…or transfer your donation!

To Stichting Laka, Amsterdam, the Netherlands: IBAN NL54 TRIO 0390 9021 79

You can also grant Laka permission to withdraw a donation from your IBAN-bank-account (EU only!): Fill out this form and send it to us! Don't hesitate to contact us if you have questions.

Laka's mission is a world free of nuclear power, with a just division of power, energy, knowledge, resources, and space; A world built on cooperation and collectivism, not on competition or hierarchy.

Present for new supporters

If you support us for €5 a month, we'll send you a T-shirt with the famous 'Never again Chernobyl'-cartoon from the 1996-commemoration of the Chernobyl disaster (postage paid for in the Netherlands).

If you support us for €7,50 or more per month, you will receive 'Radiating Posters - A collection of posters from the global movement against nuclear power'. In it you'll find 192 pages with over 600 posters from over 45 countries, with a lot of attention to artwork from countries outside of Europe. Read more information about  Radiating Posters here (postage paid for in the Netherlands).