Publicatie Laka-bibliotheek:
Challenging Western Environmentalism at the United Nations Conference on Human Environment in Stockholm 1972

AuteurT.Björk, Association Aktivism

Uit de publicatie:

Challenging Western Environmentalism
at the United Nations Conference on
Human Environment in Stockholm 1972

The Stockholm
Conferences 1972 - the tale of many battles

In 1972 in Stockholm global politics in a new form
emerged when several international conferences took
place on the same time in the same city interacting with
each other. For the first time popular movements and
NGOs organized several summits, demonstrated and
issued a daily conference paper simultanopusly with
a governmental conference. The story of the governmental
summit with the name United Nation Nations
Conference on the Human Envrionment (UNCHE)
you can find in many books. It is considered to be
the start of broad international environmental policy.
Here you will find the unique texts and picture of how
global democracy emerged by popular particaption of
people in common willing to commit themselves to
save the world environment.
The material have two main sources. Open Options,
a brochure distributed for free at all events in
Stockholm June 1972 and an anylisis of the popular
participation - Challenging Western Environmentalism
at UNCHE by Tord Björk.