the Laka catalogue

Overview on author dbannink

2024-04 Hell No We Won't Glow. Selections from the antinuclear power discography Sean P. Kilcoyne, D.Bannink songs & theatre
2022-06 20 Jaar Pallasreactor. Een analyse van veranderende omstandigheden Laka, D.Bannink pallas research reactor - general
2020-10 Urenco 1970-2020: From Treaty of Almelo to Atom Ausstieg D.Bannink, Laka urenco/ucn almelo - general
2020-03 Urenco 1970-2020. Van Verdrag van Almelo naar Atom Ausstieg D.Bannink, Laka urenco/ucn almelo - general
2015-09 De avonturen van Asterix en de kerncentrale - ... de oorsprong, de hoofdpersonen, chronologie, commercie en juridische gevolgen Laka, D.Bannink laka foundation
2015-09 De avonturen van Asterix en de kerncentrale - ... de oorsprong, de hoofdpersonen, chronologie, commercie en juridische gevolgen Laka, D.Bannink comics / graphic novels
2014-07 Eindberging radioactief afval: toch in zoutkoepels Noord-Nederland Laka, D.Bannink, H.Damveld laka foundation
2014-07 Eindberging radioactief afval: toch in zoutkoepels Noord-Nederland? Laka, D.Bannink, H.Damveld waste - geological disposal in salt/clay
2014-05 Urenco's role in the nuclear fuel chain: Uranium mining and (in)transparency WISE, D.Bannink, Peter Diehl urenco/ucn almelo - general
2012-05 Management of spent fuel and radioactive waste. worldwide overview D.Bannink, H.Damveld, Nuclear Monitor laka foundation
2012-05 Management of spent fuel and radioactive waste: State of affairs: a worldwide Overview H.Damveld, D.Bannink, WISE waste - radioactive waste general
2011-08 Strahlende Plakate: eine Sammlung von Plakaten de weltweiten Anti-Atom-Bewegung Laka, Wise, D.Bannink laka foundation
2011-08 Strahlende Plakate: eine Sammlung von Plakaten der weltweiten Anti-Atom-Bewegung Laka, wise, D.Bannink posters & graphics (art)
2011-04 Radiating posters: A collection of posters from the global movement against nuclear power Laka, Wise, D.Bannink laka foundation
2011-04 Cartelles radiantes: una colección de carteles del Moviniento munial contra la energía nuclear: adjunto español a "Radiating posters" Laka, Wise, D.Bannink laka foundation
2011-04 Radiating posters: A collection of posters from the global movement against nuclear power Laka, wise, D.Bannink posters & graphics (art)
2011-03 Chernobyl; chronology of a disaster Laka, D.Bannink, H.vd Keur chernobyl accident - consequences surroundings - general
1999-05 Women Respond To The Nuclear Treat Hermine Linnebank, D.Bannink, Vries, H.Spenkelink international resistance - general
1997-04 The MOX myth. Risks and dangers of the use of Mixed Oxide Fuel WISE, D.Bannink, J.Boer, L.Pam plutonium - mox & possible re-use weapons pu / heu
1996-07 Beyond the bomb? TNI, WISE, H.Jaspers, J.Boer, D.Bannink proliferation - non proliferation treaty - review conferences
1996-06 Marshall Islands 1946 - 1996 WISE Amsterdam, D.Bannink pacific - us testing area
1995-11 De Bom Voorbij? Verlenging van het NPV en de toekomst van de kernbewapening TNI, WISE, KU Nijmegen, J.Boer, H.Jaspers, D.Bannink proliferation - non proliferation treaty - review conferences
1994-04 Kernafval in zee of zout? Nee fout! S.van Duin, H.Damveld, D.Bannink, Greenpreace waste - geological disposal in salt/clay