Publication Laka-library:
The Environmental and Ethical Basis of the Geological Disposal of Long-lived Radioactive Waste. Collective Opinion of the Radioactive Waste Management Committee

DateJanuary 1995

From the publication:

The Environmental and Ethical Basis of the Geological Disposal of Long-lived
Radioactive Waste
Collective Opinion of the Radioactive Waste Management Committee
Nuclear Energy Agency

The safe disposal of radioactive wastes, and specifically the need to protect 
humans and the environment in the far future, is given particular attention in 
all countries engaged in nuclear power generation. It is also a concern in many 
other countries making use of radioactive materials for medical, industrial, 
or research purposes. 
As for many environmental protection situations linked to industrial development, 
including the management of hazardous chemical materials, the safe disposal of 
radioactive wastes requires consideration of a broad range of scientific and 
technical factors relating to potential impacts on the biosphere, as well as 
basic ethical principles that reflect the expectations of society.

Whilst the state-of-the-art in this field is relatively advanced and known, 
diverging views are often expressed calling, from time to time, for a 
reappraisal of the proposed approaches and actions. As in many other areas, 
extensive international exchanges of views help in clarifying the issues 
involved and in formulating consensus positions which may assist national 
authorities in their search for appropriate solutions.

This report presents such a consensus position in the form of a Collective 
Opinion of the Radioactive Waste Management Committee (RWMC) of the OECD Nuclear 
Energy Agency. It addresses the strategy for the final disposal of long-lived 
radioactive wastes seen from an environmental and ethical perspective, including 
considerations of equity and fairness within and between generations. This 
Collective Opinion, by professionals having responsibilities at a national level 
in the field of radioactive waste management, is intended to contribute to an 
informed and constructive debate on this subject. It is based on recent work 
reported from NEA countries and on extensive discussions held at an NEA workshop 
organised in Paris in September 1994 on the Environmental and Ethical Aspects of
Long-lived Radioactive Waste Disposal. Of particular importance in these 
discussions was the participation of the OECD Environment Directorate, and of 
independent experts from academic and environmental policy centres. The full 
proceedings of this workshop have been published by the OECD.

This report is published on the responsibility of the Secretary-General of 
the OECD. The opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect the position 
of national authorities in NEA Member countries or of international 

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