Publication Laka-library:
A Target For Euratom

AuthorEuratom, L.Armand, F.Etzel, F.Giordani
DateMay 1957

From the publication:

submitted by
Mr. Louis ARMAND, Mr. Franz ETZEL and Mr. Francesco GIORDANI
at the request of the governments
of Belgium, France, German Federal Republic, Italy,
Luxembourg and the Netherlands
MAY 1957

On November 16, 1956, the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of
Belgium, France, the German Federal Republic, Italy, Luxembourg
and the Netherlands instructed us to report 'on the amount
of atomic energy which can be produced in the near future in the
six countries, and the means to he employed for this purpose'.
On March 25, 1957, the Treaty instituting the European
Atomic Energy Community (Euratom) was signed by the same
Ministers in Rome and is now being submitted to the parliaments
of our six countries. In the hope that this Community can begin
to function in the very near future, we have entitled our report:
A Target for Euratom.
While endeavouring to define this objective, we have been
aware of the unique chance which the advent of nuclear energy
offers our countries. Only ten years ago, Europe seemed to be
condemned to have less abundant and more expensive energy
than the United States; nobody would have imagined that this
opportunity would emerge. Today, it can be said that if our
countries, guided and stimulated by Euratom, make the necessary
effort they will in future command-as the New World does
now-abundant and cheap energy supplies, enabling them to
enter boldly into the atomic era.