

An open discussion about reprocessing policy was held

AuthorHideyuki Ban: CNIC
DescriptionOn July 12th a workshop entitled "An Open Discussion about Nuclear Energy Policy Part 1 - what to do with reprocessing spent nuclear fuels" was held by the Research Group for Geological Disposal Ploblems, which was formed as a jointstudy group of Takagi School and CNIC for critically reviewing the proposed nuclear disposal plan. The plan for Japanese geological disposal is promoted on the condition that spent fuels are vitrified. That is, all the spent fuels are planned to be reprocessed. However, before the TEPCO's cover up scandal in August 2002, pluthermal plan has been brought to a standstill and Rokkasho Village in Aomori Prefecture, where a reprocessing plant is currently under construction, has become the focus of attention. Against this background, therefore, this workshop on nuclear reprocessing was organized which would invite a discussion of the geological disposal of nuclear wastes. The symposium was led by Shohei Yonemoto (Center of Life Science and Society) with following panelists: Kawada Tomio (Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute, JNC), Nagano Hiroshi (Young Nuclear Scientists Study Group), Tetsunari lida (Institute for Sustainable Energy Policies), and Yo Fujimura (Kyoto University/Geological Disposal Research Group).
Date 1 July 2003
Page number7
MagazineNuke Info Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Number of pages 1
Tags: ON SITE WASTE STORAGE - Wet or dry temporary storage in or near the plant
ROKKASHO - reprocessing and enrichment plant in Japan (RRP =)
MOX - Mixed oxide fuel, commonly referred to as MOX fuel, is nuclear fuel that contains more than one oxide of fissile material, usually consisting of plutonium blended with natural uranium, reprocessed uranium, or depleted uranium.
JAPAN - country in Asia
CONGRESS - incl. workshops

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