

Radioactivity detected in metal scraps exported from Japan to Taiwan

DescriptionThe Asahi Shimbun (June 28) reported that the surveys conducted by the Executive Yuan of the Republic of China had revealed that a radiation level of 0.5uSv/h was detected, exceeding Taiwan's standard level by the factor of four in the stainless steel scrap imported from Japan in 2002.
Date 1 July 2003
Page number11
MagazineNuke Info Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Number of pages 1
Tags: RADIOACTIVE SCRAP METAL - contaminated metal, finds and (discussion) reuse
EXPORT - import and export; No power! (See IMPORT than ATOMIC POWER)
TAIWAN - country in Asia
RADIATION MEASUREMENTS - also measured transgression norm but see standard height: STR.NORM
JAPAN - country in Asia
CHINA - country in Asia

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