

Anti-Nuclear Who's Who: Koshiro Ishimaru: always leading from the front

AuthorKiyoshi Teranishi
DescriptionPERSONEN = Koshiro Ishimaru
Date 1 November 2005
Page number10
MagazineNuke Info Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Number of pages 1
Tags: LIABILITY - Legislation: countries, companies, accidents
FUKUSHIMA DAIICHI - Fukushima I Nos 1 t / m. 6; Japan
OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH - occupational health and safety in production and use of radioactive material
INSPECTIONS - to health safety. See safeguards for proliferation
MAINTENANCE - shutdown reactor for improvement, safety and maintenance
LABOUR POLICY - company policies regarding personel as well as wider
PERSONS - general information HINTS people
LEGAL - legal procedings (eg. by or against anti-nuclear movement)
TEPCO - Tokyo Electric Power Co. (Do not confuse with Tohoku EPCO)
UITZENDWERK - temporary work and subcontracting in nuclear installations.

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