
Missing Dangerous Source at Estado de Mexico

A radiography camera (model IR 100) along with a pickup vehicle was stolen between Zumpango and Nextlalpan municipalities, Mexico State. The IR 100 camera serial number is 7355 and contains a category 3 radioactive source of Ir-192 (11.7 Ci). It is important to clarify that criminals have recently targeted vehicles like the aforementioned pickup vehicle used to transport the IR 100 camera.

On September 17, 2021 (15:00 UTC), the CNSNS received a notification issued by the Licensee and Civil Protection Authorities about the finding of the IR 100 camera. After receiving the authorization the Licensee was able to finally recover it at Camino Viejo a Zumbilla, Golondrinas Avenue, Ojo de Agua, Tecamac, Estado de Mexico. After, the camera was transported and safely stored at the Licensee´s facility. Finally, through a GM detector and visual inspection, the CNSNS emergency team confirmed that the Ir-192 radioactive source was in the shielded position

Location: Estado de Mexico
Event date: Wed, 14-09-2022
Nuclear event report