INES Levels

INES 2: Incident

Impact on People and Environment:
  • Exposure of a member of the public in excess of 10 mSv.
  • Exposure of a worker in excess of the statutory annual limits.
Impact on Radiological Barriers and Control:
  • Radiation levels in an operating area of more than 50 mSv/h.
  • Significant contamination within the facility into an area not expected by design.
Impact on Defence-in-Depth:
  • Significant failures in safety ­provisions but with no actual ­consequences.
  • Found highly radioactive sealed orphan source, device or transport package with safety provisions intact.
  • Inadequate packaging of a highly radioactive sealed source.
Legenda & explanation
date title location 
2011-10-04Contamination of workers during inspectionBelgiumBelgoprocess
2011-10-01Uranium 233 / 238 Inhalation OverexposureUnited States of AmericaLas Vegas, Nevada / University of Nevada
2011-09-30Overexposure to Radiation WorkerUnited States of AmericaWichita, Kansas/ PFI, LLC
2011-07-19Stolen Radiography CameraUnited States of AmericaAcuren Inspections, Inc., Austin, TX
2011-05-30Over exposure of workers beyond annual regulatory limitIndiaKAKRAPAR-2
2011-03-30Worker OverexposureUnited States of AmericaUniversity of Washington, Seattle Washington
2011-03-18Inadequate setting of the auxiliary feedwater turbopumpBelgiumDOEL-4
2011-03-11Failure of the reactor component cooling water system and others by tsunamiJapanONAGAWA-2
2011-02-16Level 2 incident on INES scale concerning back-up diesel generators at Tricastin nuclear power plantFranceTRICASTIN-3
2011-01-19Reactor trip due to high pressure in the reactor pressure vesselMexicoLAGUNA VERDE-2
2011-01-13OVEREXPOSURE TO RADIATION WORKERUnited States of AmericaMassachusetts General Hospital, Boston MA
2010-12-02Several mine workers overexposed by X-raysSwedenBoliden Mineral, Gällivare
2010-09-17Inadvertent Containment Spray of Reactor Coolant South KoreaSHINKORI-1
2010-09-16Radiography overexposureFinlandInspecta Oy/Kotka
2010-08-31Exposure of a worker in excess of statutory annual dose limitsSwitzerlandLEIBSTADT
2010-08-04Extremity OverexposureUnited States of AmericaISOAID, LLC/Port Richey, FL
2010-07-20Co-60 orphan source discovered in a container of metal scraps in the Genova PortItalyGenova port
2010-05-26Contamination of 6 workers during the recovery of a gammagraphy Co-60 sourceFranceindustrial radiography
2010-04-23Worker overexposure FranceCHINON-B4
2010-04-20Member of the Public OverexposureUnited States of AmericaOhio State University, Columbus Ohio
2010-03-28Reactor Trip and Safety Injection with Complications from FireUnited States of AmericaH.B. ROBINSON-2
2009-12-31Overexposure to RadiographerUnited States of AmericaBlazer Inspection/Texas City, Texas
2009-12-31Overexposure to RadiographerUnited States of AmericaBlazer Inspection/Texas City, Texas
2009-12-01Shutdown of Cruas unit 4 after heat sink incidentFranceCRUAS-4
2009-11-12Worker OverexposureUnited States of AmericaOwensby & Kritikos
2009-10-06Failure in fissile material accountabilityFranceCADARACHE
2009-09-23Potential Overexposure of Members of the PublicUnited States of AmericaLaramie River Station
2009-08-31Loss of Radiation SourceIranBirjand University
2009-08-28Contamination of a vehicle with Cs-137ArmeniaNO facility associated to this event
2009-08-03Exposure of two workers in excess of statutory annual dose limitsSwitzerlandBEZNAU-2