Publicatie Laka-bibliotheek:
The Nuclear Culture Source Book

AuteurEle Carpenter
Datumoktober 2016
Classificatie 9.60/10 (POSTERS & GRAFISCH (KUNST))

Uit de publicatie:

The Nuclear Culture Source Book
Ele Carpenter
October 2016

The Nuclear Culture Source Book serves as an excellent resource and introduction 
to nuclear culture as one of the most prominent themes within contemporary art 
and society, exploring the diverse ways in which post-Fukushima society has 
influenced artistic and cultural production. The book brings together 
contemporary art practices investigating the nuclear anthropocene, nuclear sites 
and materiality, along with important questions of radiological inheritance, 
nuclear modernity and the philosophical concept of radiation as a hyperobject. 

Presenting artworks by renowned practitioners such as: Lise Autogena and Joshua 
Portway, Chim-Pom, Thomson & Craighead, Nick Crowe and Ian Rawlinson, Nina 
Fischer and Maroan El Sani, Dave Griffiths, Hilda Helstrom, Martin Howse, 
Pierre Hughye, Miyamato Katsuhiro, Yoi Kawakubo, Yves Klein, Erika Kobayashi, 
Cecile Massart, Eva and Franco Mattes, Uriel Orlow, Trevor Paglen, Yelena 
Popova, Susan Schuppli, Taryn Simon, Smudge Studio, Shimpei Takeda, Kota 
Takeuchi, Mika Taanila, Suzanne Treister, Mark Aerial Waller, Andy Weir, Jane 
and Louise Wilson, Julia + Ken Yonetani. 
Building on four years of research into nuclear culture by the book's editor, 
Ele Carpenter, The Nuclear Culture Source Book features contributions by over 
60 artists. Accompanied by a series of essays by international writers 
including: Peter C. van Wyck, The Anthropocene's Signature; Gabrielle Hecht, 
Nuclearity; Tim Morton, Radiation as Hyperobject; Jahnavi Phalkey, The 
Atomic Gift; Noi Sawaragi, Don't Follow the Wind; Eiko Honda, Atomic 
Subjectivity; Susan Schuppli, Trace Evidence: A Nuclear Trilogy; Victor Gama, 
Searching for Augusto Zita; Nicola Triscott on James Acord; and Ele 
Carpenter's interviews with members of the Submarine Dismantling Project 
Advisory Group in the UK.Published in partnership with Bildmuseet, Sweden 
and Arts Catalyst, London

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