

Robinson Unit 2 was operating at 2 percent reactor power with preparations underway to place the turbine/generator on line. An auxiliary operator notified the control room that the "A" charging pump relief valve was lifting. Control room operators started the "B" charging pump and isolated the "A" charging pump. Operators completed isolating the lifting relief valve within approximately 15 minutes, after which time the volume control tank level and pressurizer level stabilized. The leak rate was calculated to be approximately 284 liters/minute (75 gallons/minute). The diversion of charging flow through the failed relief valve was directed to and contained in a liquid radioactivce waste hold up tank. There was no radiological release and no personnel exposures. The operators continued with an orderly plant startup. An investigation into the failure mechanism of the relief valve is underway.
Justification for rating:
The event is rated level 0, below scale in accordance with Paragraph III-2.5.2 of the INES user's manual. The leakage from the lifting charging pump relief valve was "identified leakage", was not pressure boundary leakage and charging pump relief valve is considered to be an "expected" initiator, and is not considered to be a small loss of coolant accident. The safety function availability at the time of the event was fully operable. Therefore, the event is rated "level 0, below scale", in accordance with Table II of the INES user's manual.

Location: H.B. ROBINSON-2
Event date: Tue, 20-06-1995
Nuclear event report
Legenda & explanation