
Theft of a vehicle containing a GAM80 gamma radiography unit (with 80 Ci source)

The ECW company works in the area of non-destructive inspection, mainly for the nuclear and the military industries but also for the construction industry. The company has a license to own and use the sources (for gamma radiography).
The ECW company was engaged in a sewer inspection on 23 March 1999 on a site of the ENTREPOSE company at Roissy (France). After this inspection, the driver and the radiology assistant stopped for lunch at about 1 p.m. at a place called Mesnil Amelot (77). the vehicle was stolen between 1 p.m. and 1.25 p.m. with the gamma unit in the rear compartment of the vehicle. A report on the theft of the vehicle was drawn up by the police and a complaint has been filed with the public prosecutor at Meaux (77).
The serial number of the GAM 80 gamma radiography unit is no. 2665. The vehicle is a Ford Transit, Licence plate 141 MEE 75. The approval certificate for the package design is F/137/B(U) and expires on 10 July 1999.

Location: Mesnil Amelot
Event date: Tue, 23-03-1999
Nuclear event report
Legenda & explanation