
Malfunction of the feedwater control valve caused reactor trip

Prior to the event the plant was in steady state operation (mode 1) at 84% rated power. All systems were operable as required for this mode.
At 11:00 pm operators in the main control room observed slight level increase in the SG#1. Main feedwater flow control valve FCV 551 did not respond to demands while operated in automatic mode. Operators switched control of the FCV 551 for automatic to manual control trying to maintain SG#1 level at programmed value. Operators could not maintain progammed SG#1 level. SG#1 level increased to the value of 82% which is the setpoint for HI-HI SG#1 level signal. That caused trubine trip (HI-HI level on SG#1 + P7) and consequently reactor trip at 11:11 p.m. The reactor tip sequence went on according to the design.
The plant personnel are still investigating the reasons for abnormal valve operation.
The plant was stabilized at "no-load" parameters. All safety systems performed in accordance with the design.
Justification of Rating:
Real initiator - reactor trip, safety function operability - full, initiator frequency - expected. Table IV- (a)

Location: KRSKO
Event date: Tue, 08-06-1999
Nuclear event report
Legenda & explanation