
Radiographer Overexposure

On January 11, 2005, a Texas licensee was notified that based on a dosimeter analysis, one of its radiographers may have received a dose of 70.35 millisievert (mSv) or 7.035 rem for the month of November 2004, a dose in excess of the annual regulatory total effective dose limit of 50 mSv (5 rem).

The licensee initiated an investigation and determined that two individuals performed an adjustment to the guide tube collimator on an AEA Model 424-9 radiographic exposure device containing approximately 4.36 terabecquerels (117.8 curies) of iridium-192. The licensee determined that the individuals approached the device to make the collimator adjustment without a survey instrument. Subsequent to the adjustment, the individuals read their pocket dosimeters and realized they were off-scale. Additionally, the individuals did not report the off-scale reading to their radiation safety officer as required.

On March 31, 2005, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission received information from the State of TX that confirmed the radiographer received an overexposure in excess of the regulatory occupational limit of 50 mSv (5 rem). The individual was assigned 70.35 mSv (7.03 rem) for the month of November 2004, and an accrued annual dose of 84.75 mSv (8.475 rem) for calendar year 2004.

The State of Texas conducted an inspection and identified six violations of TX regulatory requirements.

Location: Houston
Event date: Mon, 20-12-2004
Nuclear event report
Legenda & explanation