
Information on earthquake which occurred in Western Québec

A magnitude 5.2 MN (Magnitude Nuttli) earthquake occurred on the morning of 2013/05/17 at 09:43 EDT (13:43:23 UT). The earthquake was felt at the Darlington NPP, Pickering NPP, as well as at the Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories.

No damage has been reported, licensees are confirming their operations have not been affected by the earthquake. As per procedures, licensees are completing a thorough review of station systems.

CNSC staff, both on site and in Ottawa, continue to monitor the event follow-up activities.

The preliminary INES rating for this event is ‘0’ – below scale.

Location: Central/Eastern Canada
Event date: Fri, 17-05-2013
Nuclear event report
Legenda & explanation