the Laka catalogue

Overview on author org

2021-06 Expert response to the report by the Joint Research Centre entitled “Technical assessment of nuclear energy with respect to the ‛Do No Significant Harm’ criteria in Regulation (EU) 2020/852, the ‛Taxonomy Regulation’” BASE Bundesamt für die Sicherheit der nuklearen Entsorgung general
2021-06 Fachstellungnahme zum Bericht des Joint Research Centre „Technical assessment of nuclear energy with respect to the ‛do no significant harm‛ criteria of Regulation (EU) 2020/852 ‛Taxonomy Regulation‛” BASE Bundesamt für die Sicherheit der nuklearen Entsorgung general
2018-01 Unterschiedliche Rollen – ein Ziel. Positionspapier zur Öffentlichkeitsbeteiligung in der Standortauswahl Bundesamt für kerntechnische Entsorgungssicherheit germany - waste - general
2005-08 Thinking the Unthinkable: Japanese nuclear power and proliferation in East Asia ORG, F.Barnaby, Shaun Burnie, Greenpeace Int. japan - general
1999 Epidemiologic study to determine possible adverse effects to Rocketdyne/Atomics Int. workers from exposure to selected chemicals. Addendum Report Morgenstern, Froines, Ritz, Young united states - sites - north west other
1996-06 Epidemiologic study to determine possible adverse effects to Rocketdyne/Atomics Int. workers from exposure to toxic substances and radiation. Pt.1: Radiation exposures. Final rep. Draft Morgenstern, Froines, Ritz, Young united states - sites - north west other
1996 The untold story: Economic Benefits of Nuclear Technologies Organisations United united states - general
1994-11 Wichtige Fragen und Antworten zur Slowakischen Atomkraftwerk Mochovce Umweltorganisationen slovakia - other facilities
1991 Implementatie NPK kernenergiecentrale Emsland werkgroep bestuurlijke organisaties emergency plans
1990-11 Verslag enquete informatievoorziening en meningsvorming over kernenergie en radioaktief afval Chris vd Borgh covra interim waste storage - general
1990-06 Enquête Borsele Chris vd Borgh covra interim waste storage - general
1990-02 Hvem onsker bestralt mat? Norges Naturvernforbund miscellaneous - food irradiation
1990 Borssele, de plaats nergens Chris vd Borgh, Jon Marree covra interim waste storage - general
1986-11 ICRP Risk Estimates. An Alternative View Karl Z.Morgan radiation - standards
1986 The Chemistry of Actinide Elements Katz, G.Seaborg, Morss waste - actinides (transmutation / burning) general
1984 The plutonium trail George Pritchard transports - other countries - from & to reprocessing plant (incl. pu & hava)
1983-05 Wat willen ze met de WED? Een onderzoek naar de deelname van lidorganisaties in de WED Mar Schuringe, Georg Kreuzberg anti-nuclear movement - national / background
1981-08 Dodewaard Gaat Dicht! Rode Morgen / GML dodewaard - actions
1981-04 Reliability of measurements of dose from exposure of Hanford workers to ionizing radiation during the period 1943 through 1969 Karl Z.Morgan united states - sites - hanford
1981 Nuclear power, what it means to you P.Bunyard, G.Morgan... united kingdom - general
1980-06 De Atoomlobby in het moeras der anti's Wil Ronken, Rob ter Borgt anti-nuclear movement - national / background
1980 Appreciation of risks of Low Level Radiation Karl Z.Morgan radiation - discussion on low-level radiation
1980 International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code. Class 7. Radioactive substances Int. Maritime Organization transports - safety / technology (containers/ships/etc)
1979-11 Ionisierende Strahlen im Bereich niedriger Dosis & der Erzeugung von Krebs Karl Z.Morgan, Uni Bremen radiation - discussion on low-level radiation
1979 No Nukes- Everyone's guide to nuclear power Anna Gyorgy, & Friends general
1978-04 Die Eigentliche Kernspaltung. Gewerkschaften und Bürgerinitiativen im Streit um die Atomkraft Jörg Hallerbach germany - opinion - public organisations
1978 Hiroshima Georg Fuchs radiation - consequences nuclear tests
1977-10 Plaats maken voor kerncentrales? Eindverslagen en resultaten van de Inspraakprocedure PKB Pr. Opbouworgaan W-Brabant new nuclear power plants - site selection
1977 Nuclear power: the bargain we can't afford Richard Morgan general
1975 Environmental impact of nuclear power plants Karam, Morgan nuclear safety - reactors - general
1973-04 Nuclear energy: promises, promises George L.Weil general
1970-09 Maximum permissible levels of exposure to ionizing radiation Karl Z.Morgan radiation - standards
1968* The world is our country. Songs collected by Roland von Malmborg songs & theatre
Energie für Morgen-Planung für Heute Dietmar Görgmaier technical - general information

*: Estimated date