Adder: Nukewatch Pathfinder, december 2005

Plaats: Luck WI, USA
Datum: 1 december 2005
Depleted Uranium around the world
Rocky Flats: Cleanup or coverup?Mechtenberg-Berrigan, Molly
Japanese rad waste reclassified as ore in U.S.
Nobel prize awarded to International Atomic Energy Agency
DOE tells Nevada: no liner, no problem
South African nuclear workers Sickened
Irish Councilors say end dumping at Drigg
Iraqi children's tooth project
Fire burns former nuclear research facilty
Missing U-235 illegally landfilled
Dounreay building closed after spill
Radioactive scrap metal sent to Japan
Jury rejects claim against Hanford polluters
Low-level waste dumps growing
225,000 H-Bombs
World sales of radioactive materials increases
Whitewashing Chernobyl at the United NationsLaForge, John
Slighting the World's worst industrial catastrophe rebuttedBertell, Dr. Rosalie
IAEA blind to cancer pandemicClaussen, Dr. Angelika
Internal rad exposure risk underestimated
Vermont Yankee - 62 cracks
Arkansas 2 - dropped control rod
Connecticut Yankee - leaking
Indian Point - cooling pond leak initially keept secret
Indian Point, continued "no danger to the public"
Palisades - hydrogen leak
Mihama - cooling water leaking
Palo Verde - flaw undetected for 19 years
Plum Brook - radiation found in river
Browns Ferry - nuclear worker killed
Louisiana, Texas, Florida - Reactors affected by recent hurricanes
Georgia & Florida - three fires at reactor sites
Nuclear reactor safe? Claim is unsoundMckinney, Cynthia
Plutonium fuel a step closer in Japan
Radiation found to be harmful in any amountLaForge, John
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