Adder: SCRAM, juni 1989

Datum: 1 juni 1989

SCRAM (the Scottish Campaign to Resists the Atomic Menace - but a SCRAM is also an emergency shut down of a nuclear reactor) was produced as a medium of communication between groups though-out of Scotland. It became one of the long-lasting anti-nuclear magazines and focused on alternative forms of energy from the very first issue. SCRAM ('The Anti-Nuclear and Safe Energy Journal') changed it's name in Safe Energy Journal in 1991 when it focused less on nuclear and more on alternative issues.

Gedigitaliseerd beschikbaar op de site van Laka.

Atoms for peace Townsley, Mike
Sellafield slated 
Legal actions 
Waste piles up 
Caithness plans 
Labour pains 
Plutonium flights 
Canadian cancer 
Fusion - still out in the cold Townsley, Mike
Sustainable development Smith, Clare
Radiation reviewed Watts, Paul
The yellowcake road Stein, Graham
Opening day blues Roche, Pete
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