Adder: Third Opinion, april 2002

Plaats: Sydney, Australie
Datum: 1 april 2002
Omschrijving: Australia's independent Energy Journal
Exit Pangea
U-Trade 2001
The Honeymoon's over: time to leak like sieve
It's a little bit different to coke
Plenty of spills, none of them made public
The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission
On Jan. 11, during a special annual alarm test
The nuclear power reactors
It was the computer's fault
Time to call in the outsiders
Maralinga survivors: We are veterans of war
Proton beam plant could be an answer
Work finnally got underway
Meanwhile, Norway which has complained for years
A new British government report
Britain must pay up for our sacrifice
Too bad, we'll override you anyway
One more part of the true cost
Return to sender
British government archives
For the first time, Switzerland is having to live
On Feb. 26, Russia's supreme court
As few as eight percent of Britons support building
Two environmental activist
Plans to dismantle the original Sellafield nuclear reactor
A new opinion poll shows Finland
High level Chernobyl cover up
On the road to "dirty" bomb
Myanmar is to build a 10 MW resarch reactor
Two radioactive fuel rods
The Miyama town assembly in Japan
Radiation levels in deer tested
No magic pill
Custom's officers to be protected
The fortress is gonna cost
Finnaly, this place starts to thaw
Politics trumps science
Who's pocket is he in?
Yucca Mountain: the opposition
Still at San Onofre
The US Department of Energy
The incubation period is over
The 43 yo Chapelcross nuclear power station
The General Accounting Office says
The plague unfolds
A chamber of horrors
The director of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant
The Calder Hall nuclear power station at Sellafield
After an "exhaustive, eight month review"
Researcher Steve Thomas of the university of Greenwich
Cleaning up former East Germany's Wismut uranium mine
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