Adder: World Nuclear Association Newsletter, april 2002

Plaats: London (UK)
Datum: 1 april 2002
Moving forward on Yucca MountainAbraham letter 14/2/02,NucNet news #69/02,NuclearFuel 4/3/02
Explicit climate change stanceWhite House 14/2/02, Economist 16/2/02, NucNet news # 66/02
US effort to boost new reactorsNucNet news #52 & 86/02, NEI Overview 11/2/02
US Senate extends Price-Anderson ActPlatts 7/3/02, NucNet news # 95/02
Standoff on Russian uranium supply to USANuclear Fuel 7 & 21/1/02, Ux Weekly 4/3/02
Framatome ANP expands US footholdNucNet business news # 8/02
Controversy over new US Data Quality ActNew York Times 21/3/02
NASA returns to nuclear rocketsNASA 4/2/02, Discovery 12/2/02, LA TImes 7/2/02
UK energy policy reportsPIU report 14/2/02, Trade & Industry report 7/2/02
UK reactor replacement studyBNFL & BE 26/2/02, Nucleonics Week 28/2/02, FT 27/2/02, Ux..
Swedes revisit nuclear prioritiesNucNet news # 110/02
Belgium proposes reactor lifetime limitNucNet news # 89/02
Belgium evaluates wast optionsNucNet background # 2/02
Lithuania estimates decommissioning costsUx Weekly 11/3/02, TradeTech NMR 8/3/02
New Japanese reactor enters commecial operationNucNet news # 41/02
New Chenese reactors crank upNucNet business news # 9/02, news # 75/02
Record Canadian uranium productionCameco 7/2/02, CRI 14/1/02
Canada passes nuclear waste legislationUNECAN News Dec 2001, CNA 28/2/02, NucNet news 88/02
Beverley reports progressHeathgate 8 & 12/2/02
Australia lines up with USA on climate changeaustralian 1 & 8/3/02
OECD report positive re nuclear prospectsOECD NEA, Trends in the Nuclear Fuel Cycle, 2001
OECD publication on external costs of energyNucNet background # 1/02
Pangea's non-commercial successorARIUS 22/2/02
Molten salt reactors show promise for hydrogen economyOECD NEA 2001, Trends in the Nuclear Fuel Cycle
New UN report on Chernobyl recoveryUNDP Report 22/1/02,
Published uranium prices Jan 1995 - Mar 2002
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