Publicatie Laka-bibliotheek:
The Safety of Borssele Nuclear Power Station

AuteurBorssele Benchmark Commission, W.K.Wiechers, J.Pachner, R.Stück, B.Tomic, A.M.Versteegh
Datumseptember 2013
Classificatie (BORSSELE - ALGEMEEN)
Opmerking samenvatting en conclusies in Nederlands:

Uit de publicatie:

  The Safety of Borssele
  Nuclear Power Station

First report of the Borssele Benchmark Committee
                                                                                      September 2013

Table of Contents

     Executive Summary and Conclusions                                                            4

     Abbreviations                                                                              11

11   Introduction                                                                               12

22   Methodology                                                                                14

33   Evaluation of Design Safety                                                                17

     3.1   Introduction                                                                         17
     3.2   Definition of key design features and categories                                     17
           3.2.1    Redundancy and Diversity                                                    19
           3.2.2    Containment                                                                 20
           3.2.3    Bunkered systems                                                            22
           3.2.4    Severe accident management                                                  23
           3.2.5    Final scoring table                                                         25
     3.3   Pilot study results                                                                  27
     3.4   Final results                                                                        27

44   Evaluation of Operational Safety                                                           30

     4.1   First step evaluation of operational safety                                          30
           4.1.1    Introduction                                                                30
           4.1.2    Selection of the top 25% of best performing plants