Publicatie Laka-bibliotheek:
Nuclear safety after Chernobyl

Datumaugustus 1986

Uit de publicatie:

Nuclear Safety After Chernobyl

UNDRO NEWS (ISSN 0250-9377)
Published every two months by the Office of the United Nations Disaster 
Relief Coordinator (UNDRO).
Not an official document. Opinions expressed do not necessarily 
reflect those of UNDRO.


The accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power station last April has focused global 
attention upon the fundamental problem of how to secure closer international 
co-operation and exchange of information in responding to disasters which threaten 
the safety of those living beyond the boundaries of a particular State. The 
accident has blemished nuclear industry's commendable safety record, and 
emphasized the vulnerability of people in other countries to the hazards of both 
direct exposure to ionising radiation and indirect exposure through the food 
chain. The need for an effective international alert system, to which all nations 
subscribe, becomes all the more apparent in the light of these
events last April. 

It is well known that natural disasters such as cyclones, tsunamis and earthquakes 
pay no heed to national frontiers. In the case of nuclear industry, the 
possibility of a potential accident with international repercussions will increase 
statistically as more nuclear power plants are commissioned. There are at present
 more than 370 nuclear power plants in operation in 26 countries. 

About 760 more are under construction and more than 100 are planned. While the 
two better known nuclear accidents in the past, at Windscale, United Kingdom in 
1957, and at Three Mile Island in the United States in 1979, caused local public 
concern, that in the Ukraine was not only more serious, but aroused considerable 
international concern, not only about its effects but also about the future 
development of nuclear energy itself.

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), which is responsible for all 
aspects of nuclear safety and the peaceful uses of atomic energy, is currently 
engaged in reviewing the validity of emergency plans in the light of the Chernobyl 
experience, including early warning, mutual emergency assistance and nuclear 
safety standards.

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